LivingPlaces in the world to celebrate 100 years

Places in the world to celebrate 100 years

Aging is an irremediable fact . Reaching this peak of maturity and wisdom is a process that every person is predestined to face. And despite the fact that many try to avoid it and struggle to hold on to a hypothetical eternal youth, no one can escape .

However, according to experts, there are tactics to counteract the effects of getting older and prolonging our existence. Moderate the pace of life, eat a balanced diet, reduce stress and rush, avoid sedentary lifestyle and improve our social communication are the main ingredients to have a better and longer life . However, not only ‘good habits’ influence, since depending on the country in which we live, this path will be more or less difficult.

As a result of this clarification, the writer Dan Buettner coined the term ‘Blue Zone’ in 2006. This refers to those places where the longevity rate exceeds that of other countries and which, at the same time, has a low rate of ailments associated with old age. Therefore, it is demonstrated, our habits, as well as the country in which we find ourselves, will decide how long we are going to live.

According to the latest Global Aging Index (AgeWatch) study, as the fertility rate declines and life expectancy increases, the proportion of people aged 60 and over is expected to increase in all regions of the world .

But, why is it interesting to know this data on the well-being of old age ?

Currently, this sector of the population is the fastest growing group and it is estimated that in 2030 they will represent almost 17% of the global population . This well-being of old age, therefore, is the reflection of an accumulation of experiences and habits throughout a lifetime.

People must have the opportunity to live their life in the best possible way at each of the different stages, with dignity and freedom of choice. So much so that the adaptation of measures that favor the quality of life today will be insurance for the society of tomorrow. Many cities have adapted their policies over the years to achieve this desired condition. However, there are many that have not yet seen this result flourish.

Here is a ranking of the best ‘Blue Zones’ of this 21st century . Through this list, we analyze the countries (with their respective highlighted cities) in which having a birthday is easier and more bearable.


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