LivingPossible to have a vaginal delivery after cesarean section...

Possible to have a vaginal delivery after cesarean section (VBAC) with minimal risk

Previously, it was believed that if a woman had a cesarean, her subsequent deliveries would have to be the same way. But thanks to research and studies done in recent years, it has been found that it is possible to have a vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC) safely.

A question that mothers who decide to try it frequently have is to know the possible risks of doing it. According to a new study, it is possible to have a vaginal delivery after cesarean section with minimal risk . We share the results of this new research with you.

Conducted by the University of Oxford and published in the journal PLOS Medicine , the study reviewed the deliveries of more than 74,000 women in Scotland between 2002 and 2015, to analyze the risks and benefits of both vaginal deliveries and cesarean sections, finding that the risk that There is minimal vaginal delivery after cesarean section .

According to the study, although greater health complications have been associated with a vaginal delivery after a cesarean section, both giving birth naturally or by cesarean section after a previous cesarean section present very low risks .

Among the results found, the following stand out:

  • Only 1.8% of women who had a VBAC and 0.8% of those who had a second cesarean section had a serious maternal complication , such as needing a blood transfusion, having a uterine rupture, or sepsis.
  • About 8% of the women who had VBAC and 6.4% of those who had a second cesarean section had a serious complication with their baby , such as being admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit, requiring drug resuscitation or intubation, or perinatal death.
  • About 0.24% of the women who had VBAC and 0.04% of those who had a second cesarean section had uterine rupture .
  • About 1.14% of women with VBAC and 0.50% of those who had caesarean section required a blood transfusion .

As you can see, the risk of presenting some complication during or after delivery exists whether you have a vaginal delivery after a cesarean section, or if you have a cesarean section after another. Fortunately in both, the risks are very small .

On the other hand, if we talk about positive things, the study also found that those mothers who had a vaginal delivery after a cesarean section were more likely to breastfeed after delivery and continue to do so in the following weeks, compared to those who had a second cesarean section .

The researchers add that even having a vaginal delivery after a C-section reduces the risk of other consequences for mothers, such as bowel or bladder injuries , that can occur when having multiple C-sections.

Why are these results important?

Understanding the risks involved in both procedures after a cesarean is important for mothers to make informed decisions , and also to end the belief that once you’ve had a cesarean, you should always have a cesarean.

While this study confirms that there are risks in both, the possibility of these happening is very low and rare, so now more women might consider having a vaginal delivery after having a cesarean section , as long as they do not have any indication. or medical situation that prevents it.

According to the researchers, this information should be used to advise women who have previously had cesarean sections and are interested in knowing the options for their next deliveries, because by knowing the risks and benefits of each one, they will be able to decide what is better for them .

In conclusion, although there are risks to having a vaginal delivery after a cesarean section, these are minimal and doing it is almost as safe as having a second cesarean section, so women can begin to make more informed decisions and choose the method that best suits them, as long as there are no complications that prevent it.

Photos | iStock
Via | Healthline

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