SportF1Prost criticizes the CEO of Alpine: "He wants to...

Prost criticizes the CEO of Alpine: "He wants to be alone, that nobody bothers him"

The Alpine team and Alain Prost parted ways after a long relationship of seven years in Formula 1 in which the four-time world champion worked as an adviser to the French team.

After the announcement of his departure, the former pilot confirmed that he refused to renew his contract with Alpine and that the structure had not complied with what they had agreed. This was known through a publication on his Instagram account, where he assured the reasons for his departure.

A few hours later, Prost gave an interview to L’Equipe in which he reaffirmed his position: “The reason I left is that in the 2021 season it bothered me a lot to feel that those who had been around for a long time had to leave. I accept the change, since you don’t always have to do things the same in F1, you can do it differently, and that’s what happened to me last year, but for me, everything has become too complicated”.

“I was not involved in making decisions -and in some I disagreed-, but I had to continue defending the official word,” explained the four-time champion. “Even as a member of the board of directors, I found out about some decisions at the last moment. I may not be listened to, but at least I should be informed in time. It is a matter of respect, relations have become more and more complicated, I have been able to feel a lot of jealousy”.

Referring to the figure of Laurent Rossi , he said: “He wants to be alone, nobody bothers him. In fact, he himself told me that he no longer needed an adviser. That happened in Qatar, but then he offered me a contract in Abu Dhabi, which I rejected.”

“I must say that I believed – and still believe – in this ambitious project that boosted the motivation of the team. However, there is a real desire to leave many people aside. Laurent Rossi wants all the limelight. When the team manager doesn’t even He doesn’t even say hello when he gets to the circuit, it’s no fun anymore. There’s no more respect, so it can’t work anymore.”

“What interests me is the challenge of being in a team, being listened to and being involved in decisions. I was in the background on purpose, but I had some influence despite all the opinions that I had in disagreement that I kept to myself,” commented the French.

Alpine is looking forward to 2022 thanks to a change in the regulations, but a few weeks after starting pre-season tests, it is carrying out an internal restructuring. In this new organization, one of its most important figures in the history of Renault in Formula 1 is no longer present, and Prost himself revealed how his departure originated.

“In September 2020, when Cyril [Abiteboul] was still around, Luca [de Meo] offered me the position of president of the Alpine Formula 1 team. Based on this, I accepted. Marcin [Budkowski] was supposed to become the boss. of the team, and Cyril would have managed the brand”.

“We talked about it again in December, but in January 2021, Laurent Rossi was appointed, so I continued in my old role as non-executive director and director,” he explained.

Another who also leaves the project is Marcin Budkoswki, about whom he said: “No one is essential. Of course I am not more than anyone, but we must not forget that everything that has been done for 2022 began two or three years ago. years”.

“The current management will be evaluated in one or two seasons, not sooner, everyone is aware of that. Alpine was probably the first team to focus on the new rules,” he said.

Before the departure of the former director of Alpine last year, Otmar Szafnauer seems to be his replacement, and Prost gave his opinion: “Otmar, if he comes, is someone I like, but we must not forget all the effort that It has been done in Viry and Enstone, where they are working hard on the project”.

“Again, I have nothing against changes, but what I don’t like is the lack of respect for people, I like being human,” he said.

Once out of Alpine, Alain Prost will have time to dedicate himself to other activities, although he also revealed that he was close to occupying a very important position in motorsport: “I will tell a secret, I was very close to running for the presidency of the FIA. I have been in Formula 1 for almost 40 years in all positions, as a driver, team principal or member of the board.

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