SportMotoGPQuartararo: "The sprint racing format is totally stupid"

Quartararo: "The sprint racing format is totally stupid"

MotoGP is studying the introduction of important changes in the formats of the Grand Prix from next year, such as the introduction of the dispute, every Grand Prix Saturday, from a race to a sprint, with approximately half of the laps of the Sunday test. The news advanced by this Friday, has caught most of the riders by surprise and some, like the Frenchman Fabio Quartararo, champion of 2021 and leader of the current course, who has been in absolute disagreement.

"I think it's totally stupid," exclaimed the Frenchman when questioned about the issue.

Quartararo admits that it is not the riders who should decide, but he asks that they be consulted in changes of this magnitude.

"I'm not the one making the decisions on the design of the races, but I think we're going into a totally stupid format," he insisted.

"If we do it from time to time, like in Formula 1 , I think it can be interesting, but every Saturday… Honestly, there are circuits where you are physically exhausted, like Assen or Mugello. When we finish the race, we are completely exhausted," he warns.

"Honestly, I don't think it's right to make such a change without asking the riders' opinion. Or at least they haven't asked me," the Yamaha rider wanted to make clear.

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