SportF1Red Bull puts Verstappen above Vettel in team history

Red Bull puts Verstappen above Vettel in team history

The history of the Formula 1 teams varies over the years, even more so if you experience a successful period after a drought, as happened to Red Bull. The Milton Keynes team arrived at the Grand Circus in 2005 after the acquisition of Jaguar and since then they have established themselves as a winning structure, but one that has not been at the top in all their participation in motorsport’s top category. .

The Austrians had to wait five years to proclaim themselves world champions in 2010 with Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber, although it was the German who took all the covers, winning his first title and kicking off his era of dominance.

That made him win four consecutive titles until in 2014 he decided to end his time in the energy drinks team to go to Ferrari, with whom he unsuccessfully tried to emulate his idol, Michael Schumacher. Daniil Kvyat arrived as a substitute, but the Russian did not convince the upper echelons of Red Bull, so a single year later the inexperienced Max Verstappen landed.

The Dutchman demonstrated from the first time he got into the Austrian car what he was capable of, and became the youngest driver in history to win a Formula 1 race, and he did so in his debut with Milton’s Keynes at the 2016 Spanish Grand Prix.

After many experiences in which he learned the vicissitudes of the category, Verstappen waged a battle that will be remembered for decades against Lewis Hamilton until he was proclaimed champion on the last lap of the definitive 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. a debate in the paddock between those who say that Sebastian Vettel is the best in the history of Red Bull and those who prefer the Dutchman despite his youth.

The adviser of the Austrian structure, Helmut Marko , has no doubts, and gave his opinion to when asked if Max Verstappen was the best driver that had passed through the team: “Yes, clearly. After to win the world championship, he has gained sovereignty without his speed suffering, and he is even faster with fewer risks and less wear on the material”.

The choice of one of the most important members of the energy drinks group was clear, although to achieve the objectives of the current 2022 season they have the help of Sergio Pérez, a key factor in the fight for the titles. However, the Mexican has yet to keep up with Verstappen on a consistent basis, something Marko can explain.

“Max [Verstappen] loves a car that’s really good at the front, he doesn’t care what the rear does,” he said. “Perez and everyone who was there before say it can be undrivable, but Max doesn’t flinch. At the beginning of the season, the car was more understeer, although, in the end, it’s about making it as fast as possible.”

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