SportF1Rosberg harshly criticizes Ferrari and defends Leclerc and Sainz

Rosberg harshly criticizes Ferrari and defends Leclerc and Sainz

The 2022 Formula 1 French Grand Prix was not the best weekend for Ferrari, far from it. Charles Leclerc took pole and held the lead after early attacks from Max Verstappen, but at Turn 18 everything changed when he lost control of his car and went straight into the track protections.

Carlos Sainz was forced to start from the last row of the grid after changing the engine and at one point in the race he moved up to third, but just after overtaking Sergio Pérez, the team called him to the pits to make his second stop .

Although Leclerc took the blame for the accident, the former Formula 1 driver and 2016 champion, Nico Rosberg, believes that everything was due to a breakdown or strange operation of the F1-75, while speaking of Sainz ‘s career, he accused the Scuderia of a serious tactical error.

“I think Leclerc was quick to take the blame for the incident,” Rosberg said. “I just don’t think it was his fault, he wasn’t even driving on the limit, he was saving rubber at that point in the race.

“I can only think two different circumstances could have coincided. First, a gust of tailwind which could have destabilized the car’s rear wing downforce. And, at the same instant, applying excessive power to the rear wheels, which is what makes skidding inevitable.

“But where does that extra power come from? What has the engine done in that moment? I really think that Ferrari has to study what has happened there, because the drivers don’t make those mistakes.

Regarding the race of the Spanish driver, who made a great comeback, Nico Rosberg harshly criticized the decision-making of the Maranello team’s wall when Sainz , after starting 19th, was fighting for the podium and reached third position.

“As for Carlos Sainz , he couldn’t believe his eyes. What was going on at the Ferrari wall? They have a driver who is fighting for the podium and the whole team is looking at the calculators. And right at the moment when who overtakes Russell and can go for Perez , then his engineer radios him to come into the pits. Are you crazy?” said a surprised Rosberg .

Sainz came to third place and his tires were not completely worn out, in fact he had the opportunity to try to catch up with Lewis Hamilton and place second. But they forced him to enter the pits and in the end he could not get past fifth place, “criticized the ex-pilot Mercedes German.

Charles Leclerc, Ferrari F1-75, se lamenta después de su choque en Le Beausset

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