SportF1Russell's "risky" overtaking of Norris that was not seen...

Russell's "risky" overtaking of Norris that was not seen on TV

Lando Norris exited the pits on dry tires ahead of George Russell and positioned himself in the middle of the line, forcing the Mercedes driver to turn right and pass him on the climb to the casino.

The maneuver decided fifth place in favor of Russell , who had qualified just behind Norris on Saturday .

However, at the time, viewers were unaware of the overtaking that had just happened, as Russell was already ahead of Norris before the pit stop sequence began, as the McLaren driver had switched to intermediates.

Subsequently, a video recorded by the onboard camera of Russell ‘s car has been seen on social networks.

“It was a positive race, I think,” the Englishman said when asked about it by “On the hard tire we were the fastest car on the track at times, and I was really pushing the limits, and that was really nice.

“They didn’t show my overtaking to Lando, which was a bit disappointing. He came out of the pits right in front of me and ran into me and I managed to overtake him on a wet track.”

“So it’s been really good. And yes, I managed [to get] to the end, it wasn’t easy on the medium tyre.”


Explaining the overtake to Sky F1, the Briton said: “[The overtaking] felt quite risky from inside the car for Monaco in wet conditions, but it obviously wasn’t good enough for the filmmaker. next!”

However, Norris did not offer a similar response when asked by about this Russell reaction to overtaking. The McLaren man insisted that it was simply due to the temperature difference in his tires.

“Super? If that was super overtaking, then he’s been doing shitty overtaking so far,” said the McLaren driver. “He had just entered the pits to fit dry tyres.”

“And he obviously had one more lap on the dry tyres.”

“He had warmer tyres, mine were colder. And it happened to me, it’s pretty simple. I wasn’t impressed at all. I was more frustrated at the time.”

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