EntertainmentGamesSingle Player Complete Fallout: New Vegas on Hard Mode...

Single Player Complete Fallout: New Vegas on Hard Mode without killing anyone and without dying

When it comes to completing a game that we have passed before, there are those who are encouraged to do it in speedrun mode or in very different ways, but above all they pose a challenge. That is precisely what the user Rhetham, a great fan of ‘Fallout: New Vegas’ who has proposed to face one of the most complicated challenges , has had to raise.

What the player in question has tried is to pass the Bethesda title in the highest difficulty mode that exists in which, in addition, the death of our character is permanent. As if that weren’t enough, his goal was to complete the game without eliminating a single enemy and, unsurprisingly, without dying once .

Some encounters are impossible to avoid. That is why he is equipped with boxing gloves with which he tries to knock out whoever gets in front of him instead of killing him, although the rest of the time he takes the fast track of escaping the fighting so he does not have to face anyone .

Even so, there were occasional occasions in which he had to incite an enemy to chase him or shoot him, which caused them to kill each other . In this sense, it would have been easier to let a companion take care of them, but in the challenge that he had set for himself, he did not want to have any helper.

This incredible feat has taken him more than a year to make possible, since he began to practice it in March 2017. If you want to marvel at what he is capable of, then do not miss the list of videos that Retham has published on his channel Youtube. Accompanying these lines we leave you the first part of the 16 that make up this challenge.

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