LivingSmoking is bad for your dog too

Smoking is bad for your dog too

The health risks of a smoker do not end with himself, but with all his immediate surroundings, including pets. This has been determined by the latest study carried out by a team of scientists from the University of Glasgow (Scotland) that shows that pets that live in homes where someone smokes are at greater risk of poor health.

How does exposure to tobacco smoke affect cats and dogs?


On this basis, the researchers analyzed the levels of nicotine on the skin of domestic animals (with smokers and non-smokers) and analyzed whether these levels were associated with any health problems. Post-castration dog testes were also examined to identify any signs of cell damage.


The results revealed that animals, especially cats and then dogs, were at increased risk of cell damage, some types of cancer, and weight gain . Cats are the most dangerous pets because they ingest more smoke than dogs due to their high level of self-hygiene, whereby they absorb more toxins from the environment. Risk was reduced when owners smoked on decks or patios by reducing the amount of smoke pets were exposed to.


According to experts, dogs and cats would be in a more dangerous situation even than children , because pets are shorter and more likely to ingest third-hand smoke, that is, tobacco chemicals present on carpets and other surfaces.

“Pet owners often don’t think about the impact that smoking could have on their pets. Quitting smoking completely is the best option for the future health well-being of both you and your pet, ”explains Clare Knottenbelt, leader of the study also published by the Center for Disease Control .


Thus, if one of our New Year’s resolutions has been to quit smoking, this research offers us an additional incentive: quitting smoking can benefit our pet’s health as well as ours.


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