SportMotoGPSprint races divide the MotoGP grid

Sprint races divide the MotoGP grid

The news, reported by this Friday morning, caught most of the riders by surprise, who were informed of Dorna’s intentions at the safety commission meeting every Friday of the Grand Prix.

One of the most vehement was Fabio Quartararo, who was outright against it and even defined the idea as “stupid”, alleging that implementing this new format in all races will require a lot from the drivers, especially on circuits like Assen. or Mugello. “If we do it from time to time, like Formula 1 , it can be interesting. But every Saturday… There are tracks where you end up physically exhausted when the test ends”, commented the Devil. For the current champion, such a transcendental decision should be consulted with the protagonists of the contest before taking it for granted -Dorna, the promoter, called an exceptional press conference for this Saturday, in which it is expected that the new program that would enter in force in 2023–. “I don’t think it’s right to make such a change without the opinion of the drivers,” added the #20.

Along the same lines, Aleix Espargaró applied, even though the Aprilia rider based his opinion on the technical difficulty hidden in the MotoGP prototypes. “I don’t like that possibility at all. This is MotoGP, not a championship with street bikes. There are a lot of engineers here, a lot of electronics. With the current format, it’s already difficult to get the bike ready, but if they take more practice sessions away from us, it will be very complicated”, declared the Spaniard, who was seconded by Pol, his brother: “The idea is that we are going to take twice the risk, doing the same job and earning the same money. We are going to race twice in the same weekend, and that means more risk to overtake the one in front. I know it’s done in WorldSBK, but these bikes are faster and heavier.”

Among the defenders, the most enthusiastic was Jack Miller, as was probably to be expected. “Why not try it? I think it will be a good item. I guess it will make us risk more as drivers, and we won’t have to worry about consumption, neither of gasoline nor of tyres. With the current regulations and tires we cannot give our best. It will be something that the fans will love”, agreed the Australian from Ducati, aware that with two tests the risk of getting hurt increases, although that factor has never been a problem for him. “Obviously it increases the risk; but we are pilots, not dancers. We are athletes, and in the fourth free trial we almost completed the race distance”, Miller elaborated.

Among those who support the proposal is also Maverick Viñales, who is going through a sweet moment with Aprilia. “I have never tried a sprint race. What I have seen in WorldSBK and I like it; I think we’ll have fun. This is a show and we have to promote it”, concluded #12.

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