SportF1Steiner explains that Mick Schumacher must learn to overtake

Steiner explains that Mick Schumacher must learn to overtake

Mick Schumacher arrived in Formula 1 last year, but the speed of his car, which was continually at the bottom of the pack, did not allow him to show his potential as a driver. Despite this, the young German regularly beat his then-teammate Nikita Mazepin.

Although it is true that the Haas car was very far from the rest of its rivals in 2021, in this 2022 they have managed to take that step forward that they so longed for and, after seeing what happened in the first races of the season, it has become in a team in the middle zone.

By having a car that is now much more competitive, Mick Schumacher ‘s situation has completely changed. In addition, after the departure of the Russian driver from the team, his new teammate is Kevin Magnussen, a much more experienced driver who in these first races has managed to finish in the top ten on most occasions.

Contrary to the results of the Danish driver, Mick is one of the three drivers who has not yet managed to score a single point to date, becoming the only one who has not managed to open his locker in the last two seasons (2021 and 2022) .

As a result, this has led to some voices suggesting that Haas ‘ cars last year weren’t so bad, but rather that the team failed to score points because of its drivers, including Mick Schumacher .

Responding to these statements, Steiner , team manager, did not want to get wet, but recognized that the young German needs to improve in hand-to-hand combat: ” Mick needs to learn to fight with other cars in the first rows of the grid. This year the speed of our car allows us to be fighting in the middle zone”.

“I told him: ‘this is like when you’re in the mountains, the higher you go, the harder it is to breathe. It’s a new thing for him to overtake in Formula 1. Last season, he was almost always behind the rest and rarely could compete with someone. But he’s already trying to improve,” concluded the Haas director.

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