SportF1Strong message from Vettel in defense of Ukraine

Strong message from Vettel in defense of Ukraine

Vettel made it clear last week, just hours after Russia declared war on Ukraine , that he would not contest the Formula 1 race at Sochi this year if it went ahead.

Vettel’s strong stance has earned him widespread praise and comes after a year in which he has been applauded and recognized for his fight on environmental and social issues.

While other drivers were less clear in their stance on the Ukraine situation, Sebastian Vettel said it didn’t matter that not all of his rivals were willing to be so harsh. In fact , he says that the only thing that matters is to hope that the issues in the Ukraine can be reduced quickly to stop the human suffering.

“I think everyone has their own idea,” said the Aston Martin driver. “The question is whether everyone always dares to share their idea.”

“I’m not shy about it, quite the opposite. I think there are certain issues that you can’t keep quiet about.”

“It’s a strange feeling to even get out of bed when you start the day and watch the news, it’s hard to motivate yourself when you know exactly that there are things that are much more important. Innocent people are dying. They are in a situation that you cannot imagine.”

“I don’t think there’s a winning side to this kind of thing. It’s an absolute shock, and I think the consequence is very clear.”

And although not all drivers have expressed their feelings in public as much as Vettel, the four-time world champion believes that everyone thinks the same.

“Right now everyone is busy on their own, but of course this is a problem that is bigger than anything else. I’m sure all the other drivers share my opinion. Anything else would surprise me.”

“But now the important thing is not whether we talk or not. The important thing is that the situation relaxes, that it comes to an end. I don’t think anyone wants it to escalate more and get more out of control, but that seems very difficult at this time. moment”.

F1 did not hesitate to respond to the outbreak of war by canceling this year’s Russian Grand Prix.

And while Formula 1 is not immune to financial pressures, Vettel said there are issues that need to go far beyond pure business.

“Values and morals must be above everything else,” he continued. “The business is not important at all in that sense.”

“If people go to war and die, I can’t imagine that at all. I, like everyone else, was in history classes and listened a lot. I found everything that happened very interesting.”

“I still think it’s extremely important to keep those things in memory and remain aware of them. You can’t forget things like that. And now you become more aware of such things. As I said, there was hope that things would calm down. It’s terrible that it is now spiraling out of control.

Vettel said the Ukraine situation had put into context what Formula 1 ultimately means.

“If someone drives fast or slow, if the car is good or not, everything is secondary,” he reflected. “We all had a life growing up without confrontation, without war. There was a phase in the late ’90s but, to be honest, I was still a little kid and didn’t realize or understand much.”

“Now to witness and hear that they are sending people to the front and putting their lives in danger, and some have already died, that is terrible.”

“As a human being, you can only see it that way. I wouldn’t understand if you don’t share that in that sense. Even if, as an athlete, they always tell you not to get involved, but to stay out. In that sense, there are just issues. weightier. And I have no problem sharing my position on those issues.”

Asked if he had a message for Europe, he said: “I can’t speak for Europe. But I think I am as European as many others. In that sense I am very, very surprised.”

“I wish everything would calm down, but some people seem to be possessed by madness. They have, I think, their own truth and their own reality. That then others have to suffer for it and be punished with their lives, it makes no sense.”

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