LivingSuper short and cute names: 33 three letter names...

Super short and cute names: 33 three letter names for girls

If you are looking for a short and original name for your baby and you want it to be so short that it does not exceed three letters, we have selected some super short and beautiful names for girls that you will love .

They have a very special sound due to their short number of syllables, one or at most two, and they are ideal if you don’t want to give it a long name so that they can use its shortened name later. Here we leave you 33 three letter names for girls .

  • Ada : short form of Adelaida, which means Germanic origin and means “of noble lineage”
  • Ana : of Hebrew origin, it means “Compassionate”, “Merciful”.
  • Ara : means ‘altar’ or ‘stone of sacrifices’
  • Ava : of Hebrew origin is an English variant of Eva and means “to give life”.
  • Amy : variant of Amanda, derives from the Latin ‘Amandus’ and means “person who is loved by everyone else.”
  • Bea : variant of Beatriz, it means “happy woman” “full of bliss”
  • Eda : of Germanic origin, variant of Hedda or Hedwig, means “prosperous”
  • Ela : Hebrew origin, means “the one who is noble”.
  • Eli or Ely : of Hebrew origin, variant of Elizabeth, it means “high”.
  • Ema : variant of Emma, of Germanic origin, means “Big”, “Strong”, “Immense” and “Powerful”
  • Eva : of Hebrew origin, it means “she who gives life”.
  • Iva : of Latin origin, it means “yew”, considered a sacred tree.
  • Kai : of Hawaiian origin and means “Sea” or “Ocean”.
  • Lea : female version of Leo, variant of Leah. It is of Latin origin and means lion.
  • Lei : means thunder in Chinese.
  • Lia : means “bearer of good news”.
  • Lúa : Galician form of ‘moon’
  • Lin : variant of Lynn, which derives from the Celtic “leena” and means “lake”.
  • Lis o Lys : means “lily”
  • Light : means “the one that brings the light”
  • Mae : of English origin, whose meaning is “beloved of God” or “eminent”.
  • Sea : comes from the Latin “mare” and means “sea”.
  • Mine : of Hebrew origin, diminutive of Maria
  • Noa : Of Hebrew origin, it means “delight”.
  • Peace : comes from the Latin term “Pax” and means “peace, tranquility”.
  • Pía : means “devoted, dedicated and committed woman”.
  • Sun : of Latin origin, it refers to the king star.
  • Sua : means “fire” in Basque.
  • Tea : abbreviation of Dorotea in Italian, means “the one granted by God”.
  • Uda : means “summer” in Basque.
  • Uma : of biblical origin, means “nation”
  • Xia : means glow of sunset or sunrise
  • Zoe : of Greek origin, it means “to give life”

In the next few days we will bring you super short and cute three letter names for boys.

More girl names for your baby

  • 71 beautiful and original girl names for your baby
  • The girl names that are trending in 2018
  • Compound names for girls: when one only falls short
  • 33 short and original girl names
  • 35 strong women’s names for girls proud to be
  • 33 Catalan girl names
  • 21 classic girl names that are ringing again
  • 101 Basque girl names

More baby names

  • Looking for a name for your baby? 101 boy names to inspire you
  • Boy names that are trending in 2018
  • 33 baby names inspired by the sun and the moon
  • 25 animal names you can give your baby
  • Neither boy nor girl: 51 unisex baby names
  • Arabic baby names
  • 101 Basque boy names
  • 51 cute-sounding baby names in any language
  • Strong and warriors: 51 Viking names for your baby that you will love
  • Welcome baby !: 173 French names for your baby
  • 51 Italian names for your baby that will make you fall in love

In the next few days, we will bring you super short and cute three letter boy names.

Photo | Pexels

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