Solidarity is a very important value in our development as people who belong to a society, and obviously the best way to understand its meaning -especially when we are children- is to put it into practice. This time of year is fantastic for precisely that: the arrival of Santa Claus and the Three Wise Men usually means the arrival of new toys at home, so it is a fantastic opportunity to donate to children in vulnerable situations. If we also involve our children, we are teaching them to relate with empathy, humility and respect.
According to data recorded by a study carried out by Unicef, 77% of English mothers choose to breastfeed when they give birth, but only 12% continue to breastfeed after two months in some areas of the country, and less than 1 % do so beyond the baby's five or six months of life.
Because of its many benefits, breast milk is the best food for a newborn baby. Therefore, when the mother, for whatever reason, cannot feed the baby with her own milk, turning to breast milk banks is the best option.
Ian Uriel was born at 28 weeks gestation with a weight of only kilo and eighty grams, after his mother was detected pre-eclampsia and had to perform a cesarean section, four days after admission. The newborn was hospitalized for 84 days in the neonatal ICU of the Hospital of Gynecology and Obstetrics' Dr. Luis Castelazo Ayala '. Thanks to the Breast Milk Bank of the Mexican Institute of Social Health (IMSS) he was able to recover earlier, being fed with the best existing medicine.
Today is World Breast Milk Donation Day, an initiative launched to protect and promote breastfeeding, and raise awareness about the importance of donating human milk.
Danni Büchner is invited to Sam Dylan's Halloween party. But the "Goodbye Germany" emigrant has no desire for many other party guests. And find clear words.