Emotional development

Children with excessive empathy who easily connect with the emotions of others and end up suffering: how to help them

Do you think that your child is excessively empathetic, and that this leads him to suffer excessively? Do you connect very easily with the emotions of others and this ends up harming you? How to help you?

Children with excessive empathy who easily connect with the emotions of others and end up suffering: how to help them

Do you think that your child is excessively empathic, and that this leads him to suffer excessively? Do you connect very easily with the emotions of others and this ends up harming you? How to help you?

That moment when you look in the mirror and start to rediscover yourself with who you were before having children (even if you are...

They say that quarantine marks the point of return to normality after childbirth, but the reality is completely different. However, I did not internalize that it was a mistake to even think so, for fear of being called soft or "weird".

How to educate children to promote admiration in others and not envy

Educating children is one of the most complex tasks that as fathers or mothers, or caregivers, we can have. And it is that it is a very complex matter that covers many edges to which we must pay due attention.

Teaching children to apologize: how to do it and why it is important

In life situations arise in which we are wrong and it is important to apologize for what we have done incorrectly. These experiences are not usually easy or pleasant but they are necessary for our growth and learning.

Parents who are too demanding in the upbringing of their children

Have you ever thought that perhaps you were too demanding with your children? Do you think the requirement is positive for them? To what extent should we demand them, and on what issues...?

What your words don't say: why we should pay more attention to the non-verbal language we use with our children

Being a mother brings out the best in you, but it also lets you see with amazing clarity facets that you sensed you had, but that had not been so evident until then.

Irritability in children: why my child gets angry easily and how to manage it

There are times when children are more irritable, and this may be due to external causes or changes in their routine. On the other hand, irritability can also be related to emotional management, and in part, to the temperament and character of each child, if we talk about a more prolonged irritability.


Schedules of the Valencia GP of MotoGP in Cheste and how to see it

The Cheste circuit hosts this weekend, from November 4 to 6, the 2022 MotoGP Comunitat Valenciana GP. See the schedules and all the information.

"Don't talk to me!": Danni Büchner makes a clear announcement to hated party guests

Danni Büchner is invited to Sam Dylan's Halloween party. But the "Goodbye Germany" emigrant has no desire for many other party guests. And find clear words.

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