LivingThe 17 best stories with positive values to give...

The 17 best stories with positive values to give to children

Transmitting values to our children is one of the most important responsibilities we have as parents. It is clear that the best way to do it is through example and living them on a day-to-day basis, but when they are young, we can begin to reflect on them through books.

Today we bring you a selection with 17 great stories that will teach our children about the meaning and importance of values in a fun and natural way.

As different as the same

Lula is a little turtle who comes to school new, but his new classmates make fun of him because he is so slow. The teacher realizes and through a game makes them see that we all have strengths and weaknesses. It teaches them that no one is perfect and that we have to respect each other because deep down, we are all as different as we are the same.

A story aimed at children between the ages of two and eight, perfect for learning about the value of respect and diversity .

Tan diferentes como iguales: Libro para niños de 2 a 5 años contra el bullying: Libro para el acoso escolar - libro antibullying: 1 (bullying - acoso escolar)

As different as the same: Book for children from 2 to 5 years old against bullying: Book for school bullying – anti-bullying book: 1 (bullying – school harassment)

Today on Amazon for € 12.30
Price at La Casa del Libro € 12.30

Eleanor and the Dove of Peace

La Paloma de la Paz has problems to carry a message to other lands and during the trip, she loses her olive branch. After unsuccessfully asking several children for help, she met Leonor, who healed an injured wing and convinced her friends to help her continue her journey. A perfect story to teach about empathy .

Leonor y la paloma de la paz: 7 (Cuentos de ahora)

Leonor and the dove of peace: 7 (Tales of now)

Today on Amazon for € 6.17
Price at La Casa del Libro € 6.18

I will kill monsters for you

Martina is scared at night. He believes that under the floor of his room hides a world inhabited by monsters that walk head down. But what would happen if the border between the two worlds were broken? A beautiful story that addresses fear in a very natural way and helps us talk about the value of courage .

Yo mataré monstruos por ti

I will kill monsters for you

Today on Amazon for € 12.82
RRP at La Casa del Libro € 12.82

A friend like you

Squirrel and Bird are very different: one likes to jump, climb and eat nuts; the other prefers to fly, sing, and … eat worms! But they both love to try things and new. Together they will live unforgettable moments and become the best of friends. A story with some very beautiful illustrations about the value of friendship , which will transmit to the smallest concepts as important for coexistence as love, diversity and tolerance.

Un amigo como tú (Emociones, valores y hábitos)

A friend like you (Emotions, values and habits)

Today on Amazon for € 14.20
Price at La Casa del Libro € 14.20

The perfect moment

Squirrel receives a very important letter and must reach its destination as soon as possible. But on the way he meets many forest animals that ask him for help. Will Squirrel be able to get there in time? An endearing story with a surprising and exciting ending that teaches us the value of kindness.

El Momento Perfecto (IMAGINA UN BOSQUE)

The Perfect Timing (IMAGINE A FOREST)

Today on Amazon for € 14.15
Price at La Casa del Libro € 14.25


Fred has won the best bear in the woods contest for three years in a row. He is the best in everything, he is the brightest fisherman, he is the one who makes the hula hoop roll the best and scaring humans is an extraordinary thing. But there is something for which he is best known: his growl is unique in the world. But everything changes when another bear arrives and decides to participate in the contest. Fred is no longer the best bear in the woods and, to make matters worse, he has lost his “Grrrrr!” Fred needs the help of the other animals, but he has been so busy training that he has forgotten his friends. How will you solve it?

A delicious, unique and fun story that deals with values such as friendship, honesty and understanding through beautiful illustrations.

¡Grrrrr! (Álbumes Locomotora)

Grrrrr! (Locomotive Albums)

Today on Amazon for € 14.15
RRP at La Casa del Libro € 14.15

The little sheep that came to dinner

At the hungry old wolf’s house there is always a miserable vegetable soup for dinner. But one night there is a knock on the door of his little cabin and it turns out to be neither more nor less than a poor little sheep that has been lost.

The wolf, then, begins to think that that night he will be able to fill his stomach with a delicious stew … But the sheep does not want to be the wolf’s dinner, he wants to be his friend!

An endearing tale full of values such as compassion, friendship, generosity and acceptance of differences.

La ovejita que vino a cenar

The little sheep that came to dinner

Price at La Casa del Libro € 10.40
Today on Amazon for € 14.20

Bear wants to fly

“Bear dreams of flying” is the strange news that causes a great uproar among the forest animals. Some think that this is impossible, but … what do you lose by trying? Bear Wants to Fly is an emotional story that will make us reflect on values such as friendship, courage and cooperation .

Oso quiere volar

Bear wants to fly

Today on Amazon for € 14.15
PVP at La Casa del Libro € 14.15

The three pale princesses

The time has come to take over for the old monarch of a distant kingdom, so it is time to hand over the baton to one of his three daughters, but to which of them will it be? A classic tale that rhymes and repeats itself, inspired by the aesthetics of the Arabian Nights and that helps us analyze values such as generosity and humility .

Las tres princesas pálidas (libros para soñar)

The three pale princesses (dream books)

Today on Amazon for € 12.35
Price at La Casa del Libro € 12.35

Malina Cold Feet

Malina is a very cold Inuit, and that is a problem, because she lives in a place where even the name is cold: the North Pole. One day of fishing, Malina discovers something that encourages her to set out in search of warmth. But first, she will have to pass “the igloo test”, an ancient rite to prove that she is already an adult Eskimo, free to leave her village. Will Malina manage to pass the test? A precious book to talk about the value of family .



Today on Amazon for € 13.25
Price at La Casa del Libro € 13.25

The circle

It is a story to find ourselves in the difference. Rosa, a school teacher, will observe how conflicts often arise among her students, a consequence of the discomfort caused by some of the emotions they feel. In order for them to reconnect with each other and discover that they have more in common than they think, he will propose the game of The Circle to them.

It is a perfect story to reflect on difference and conflict as a natural and inherent thing in life, and the value of tolerance . Instead of seeing it as something negative, it invites us to see it as an opportunity to grow and learn to relate.

El círculo: 12 (Calita)

The Circle: 12 (Calita)

Today on Amazon for € 11.87
RRP at La Casa del Libro € 11.87

Raccoon wants to be the first

Raccoon wants to be first in everything, and he almost always succeeds. But one day fox arrives in the forest … a fun adventure to teach us that being the first is not the most important thing and that excess competitiveness can be negative and bring suffering to children. A great book to talk about the value of humility .

Mapache quiere ser el primero (Español Somos8)

Raccoon wants to be the first (Spanish Somos8)

Today on Amazon for € 14.15
RRP at La Casa del Libro € 14.15

put yourself in my place

Bee has a wing entangled with a thread and cannot fly, Ladybird has lost one of her moles while she was laying them down, Spider has a lot of silk to spin and Centipede needs a hundred shoes to be able to go out for a walk … They all ask Cricket for help, but he doesn’t think those things are important. What will happen when his violin strings break? Will your friends help you? A book that teaches us the value of empathy .

Ponte en mi lugar (Español Somos8)

Put yourself in my place (Spanish Somos8)

Today on Amazon for € 14.15
RRP at La Casa del Libro € 14.15

If i had a pick

Pepincho Repúa wants to find friends to play with. But how much are you willing to pay to try to get them? What if you have to give away your picks to do so? A fox with peculiar hobbies, a very presumptuous dog, an eagle that has not had a snack, a toad that dreams of crowns …

These are some of the characters that this endearing hedgehog will meet during his way through the forest. A journey full of learning, which will take you to discover what self-esteem is and how important it is to learn to take care of yourself and say no from time to time. A wonderful story to discuss with children the value of assertiveness .

Si yo tuviera una púa: 2 (Me lo dijo un pajarito)

If I had a pick: 2 (A little bird told me)

Today on Amazon for € 17.00
Price at La Casa del Libro € 17.00

Daniela the pirate

Daniela dreams of being a pirate on the Black Cayman. But CropEar and his pirates don’t seem too happy with the idea. Daniela will have to pass difficult tests. But what if these pirates don’t want girls on their ship? A perfect book to reflect on the value of courage and perserverance .

Daniela pirata (Español Egalité)

Daniela pirata (Spanish Egalité)

Today on Amazon for € 14.15
RRP at La Casa del Libro € 14.15

Fox tells lies

Zorro tells that he knows SuperTortuga and does not even know if he exists or if he is a legend. His lies grow like a snowball and he no longer knows what to do. But what if her friend Squirrel was in danger because of her lies? A great story to reflect on the value of honesty .

Zorro dice mentiras (Español Somos8)

Zorro tells lies (Spanish Somos8)

Today on Amazon for € 14.15
RRP at La Casa del Libro € 14.15

This is not a jungle

It all started the day Paula decided to say no. Say it wasn’t cool. Paula could do whatever she wanted … But then the unexpected happened: her house became a real jungle with trees, lianas, lush vegetation … and all the animals roaming freely. A fun story to talk with children about the value of order .

Esto no es una selva

This is not a jungle

Today on Amazon for € 15.15
Price at La Casa del Libro € 15.15

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