FunThe 5 most viewed Amazon Prime Video movies in...

The 5 most viewed Amazon Prime Video movies in Spain this week

This week there are Amazon Prime Video movies that have been very popular in Spain and that are really worth it. There are ribbons of different genres, for all tastes, so you will surely find one that fits you. A home theater plan is always a good option to rest and disconnect from the routine!

The House of the Snail

A very successful psychological thriller on the platform that is perfect for a Sunday afternoon at home. The protagonist is the writer Antonio Prieto, who decides to spend the summer in a town in the Sierra de Málaga to find inspiration for his next novel . There he meets Berta and several very peculiar people about whom he begins to research and write. Soon Antonio discovers that the locals hide very dangerous secrets.

The Cover

A Spanish musical comedy directed by Secun de la Rosa that won an award at the 2021 Malaga Film Festival . Dani is passionate about music who works as a waiter in Benidorm, where he meets Sandra, who will change his life and his way of understanding art.

Boss Level

This is one of the most watched Amazon Prime Video movies in Spain this week, and it’s well worth it. A retired United States special forces officer is forced to live over and over the day of his death .

To the horizon

‘Up to the Horizon’ is a Swedish film that we advise you to see if you like thriller and mystery. Mrs and Jackson, some time after their breakup, meet again on the plane on their way to a remote island where a mutual friend is celebrating their wedding. Suddenly the pilot suffers a heart attack, and they must do everything in their power so that the plane does not fall into the ocean .

Tomorrow’s War

And finally, ‘The War of Tomorrow’. A group of time travelers travels from the year 2051 to deliver an urgent message : “Humanity is losing the world war against a deadly alien species .” The only chance of survival is for a team of citizens and soldiers from the present to be transported to the future and join the war.

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