LivingTravelThe Arecibo Observatory: a marvel of science and technology

The Arecibo Observatory: a marvel of science and technology

The Arecibo Observatory is home to the largest single dish radio telescope in the world. Located in Puerto Rico, it is part of the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (NAIC), which is operated by Cornell University under an agreement with the National Science Foundation, with additional support from NASA. The Observatory is considered one of the most important national centers for research in radio astronomy, planetary radar and terrestrial aeronomy, and is used by scientists around the world.

The telescope works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Because is special?

You just have to take a look at the absolutely massive plate, or radio mirror, to appreciate how special this place is. The thousand-foot plate is nestled among lush green hills, is over 150 feet deep, and covers approximately 20 acres. It is truly an engineering marvel. Suspended 450 feet above the platter is a 900-ton platform, hanging in the air on eighteen cables.

From a scientific perspective, it is the large size of the reflector that makes the Arecibo Observatory special. It is the largest curved focusing antenna in the world and therefore the most sensitive radio telescope in the world.

What is this used for?

The Arecibo Observatory is used for three main fields of research:

  • Radio astronomy: Astronomers have used the telescope to detect radio emissions from distant regions of the universe, allowing them to measure distances and masses of galaxies. The observatory has also enriched our knowledge of pulsars.
  • Atmospheric science: Arecibo has been a critical tool in the study of the composition, temperature, and densities of our atmosphere.
  • Radar Astronomy: Among other experiments, the telescope has been used to create surface maps of Mercury, Venus, and the moon. The first radar echo detection of a comet was made here.

How to get here

From San Juan, take Route 25 or 26 to Route 18, which in turn leads to Route 22 (Expreso de Diego), heading west. You will be on this road for 47 miles before turning right at exit 77B. This will put you on Route 129, heading to Lares. After less than three miles, turn left onto Route 63 (you will see a Texaco gas station on the corner) and follow this highway for approximately 5 miles until you turn left onto Route 625. In three miles, you will reach the Observatory .

Does Arecibo offer tours?

There are several tour companies that offer tours to Arecibo, and they usually complete it with a visit to the impressive Cuevas de Camuy nearby. Among these are:

  • AAA Island Tours
  • Tours de campo
  • Puerto Rico Best Tours
  • Puerto Rico Tours

Do you think you’ve seen it before?

The Arecibo Observatory is something of a celebrity. If you have a Déjà vu sense when you see it, it may be because you’re a James Bond fan. The telescope was the site of the famous final showdown between Pierce Brosnan and baddie Alec Trevelyan (Sean Bean) in Goldeneye . He also appeared in the Jodie Foster film Contact and appeared in an episode of The X-Files. Not a bad resume, huh?

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