EntertainmentGamesThe different covers of 'Ghostbusters'

The different covers of 'Ghostbusters'

Here we have one of those news that go unnoticed but that, if one reads them twice, they reveal interesting facts. It is about the publication of the covers (of the American version, yes) of the video game ‘The Ghostbusters’ , and the differences between them.

Thus, although the game’s face is identical in composition in both versions (presenting the four protagonists with the Ghostbusters logo in the background), they clearly differ in terms of the representation of those within the game.

Thus, while in the version of Wii, DS and PlayStation 2 they have a caricatured appearance, which allows to hide the technical deficiencies of both consoles, in the version of PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, a more realistic aspect is chosen and closer to that of the original actors.

The anecdote is nothing more than the clever way in which the developers have circumvented the problem of graphical differences between versions of the game. And although it is something that was already known, seeing it compared in such a graphic way is, at least, curious.

Some will complain that the Wii looks so caricatured as this only enhances the “childish” image of the console. Personally, I think it’s great that a different graphic style is chosen, neither better nor worse, just different.

Via | AnaitGames

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