EntertainmentGamesThe Last of Us, Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3...

The Last of Us, Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3 multiplayer servers will shut down in September

It is often said that nothing lasts forever and with the online functions of numerous video games we have been verifying it over the years. More and more PS3 games are seeing their online servers end up shutting down and this time it was the turn of a few Naughty Dog titles.

The company has announced that the multiplayer servers of The Last of Us, The Last of Us: Left Behind, Uncharted 2: The Kingdom of Thieves and Uncharted 3: Drake’s Betrayal, have the days numbered and will be from 02 : 00h in the morning (19:00 in CDMX) on September 4 when they will close forever .

After being active for ten years, Naughty Dog has wanted to regret this decision because of the unconditional support of the communities and how they have grown during the last decade.

However, he wants this closing to be worthy and at the height of the good times that have made us live. For this, it has decided that all the DLC of these three games that have to do with online multiplayer can be downloaded totally free to say goodbye to them in a big way.

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