EntertainmentGamesThe magical world of Biomutant in all its splendor...

The magical world of Biomutant in all its splendor in a new trailer

THQ Nordic continues to promote Biomutant within weeks of its launch. The last time he left us with a preview focused on his combat system and this time he invites us to see a new, more relaxed and calm trailer with which he takes us to explore the world that we will travel during the adventure .

Throughout several sequences we can see that we will pass through forests, fields, ruined cities, snow-capped mountains, lakes and many other places that look wonderful for a post-apocalyptic setting in a gigantic open world.

Among all these areas there will be no shortage of towns with their respective inhabitants who will live peacefully, giving the impression that the journey that we will live in this action RPG will be the most relaxing. In addition, it also shows some of the ways in which we can go from one place to another , either with wicks, holding onto a hang glider, in a motor boat or even on a robot in the form of a hand.

To see all this on our own, we will have to wait until May 25 , the day on which Biomutant will go on sale for PS4, Xbox One and PC along with its complete collector’s edition valued at a whopping 400 euros.

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