FunThe most outstanding phrases of Gaius Julius Caesar

The most outstanding phrases of Gaius Julius Caesar

Gaius Julius Caesar, better known simply as Julius Caesar, was a Roman military and politician from the 1st century BC Born in 100 BC into a patrician family, he was assassinated on March 15, 44 BC Senators Cassius and Brutus they led the conspiracy claiming that Julius Caesar was a tyrant. Below we have selected the most outstanding phrases that Gaius Julius Caesar pronounced .

  • I love the name of honor more than I fear death.
  • It is not these well-fed, long-haired men that I fear, but the pale and the hungry.
  • Great things must be done without hesitation, so possible difficulties will not be able to stop you.
  • I’ve lived long enough to satisfy both nature and glory.
  • Many of you here today fought against me, many of you wished for my death, many of you perhaps still wish it.
  • When the drums of war have reached their most critical point, the blood boils with hatred and the mind is totally closed, the leader will have no need to seize the rights of the citizens.
  • The one who conquers twice is the one who shows mercy to the conquerors.
  • There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken in the flood, leads to fortune.
  • This dispute between you must end, Rome wants you both to be at peace.
  • I don’t hold a grudge and I don’t seek revenge. I simply have this demand… that you join me in building a new Rome, a Rome that offers justice, peace, and land to all of its citizens, not just a privileged few.
  • Let me run and I will fight with things that everyone thinks are impossible.
  • Can you imagine a more terrible sacrilege than that our beloved republic is in the hands of madmen?
  • It is easier to find willing men to die than it is to find those who are willing to bear pain patiently.
  • There are also animals called moose … they have legs without joints or ties, they do not lie down with the purpose of resting … the trees serve as a bed … lying down only a little rest.
  • Without training, there is no knowledge. Without knowledge, there is no trust. Without confidence, victory does not exist.
  • He has not learned the lesson of life, the one who does not overcome a fear every day.
  • It is great to have the strength of a giant, but it is tyrannical to use it as a giant.

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