FunThe most popular movies of the moment on Amazon...

The most popular movies of the moment on Amazon Prime Video

Would you like to make yourself some popcorn and enjoy an afternoon of cinema at home? If so, then we will tell you which are the most popular movies on Amazon Prime Vide or, of different genres and for all tastes.

Anarchy: Night of the Beasts

An American film that we recommend 100% if you like the horror genre. The country’s prisons are full, so the government decides that one night a year, for 12 hours, any type of crime, including murder, will be legal. Citizens have to fend for themselves, so it’s a night fraught with danger. Five people who have not made it home meet together to confront citizens who have taken to the streets to quell their cravings for violence.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

A classic in the history of cinema, which you can enjoy on Amazon Prime Video. In the third installment of Indiana Jones , Henry Jones, also an archaeologist, is kidnapped while searching for the Holy Grail. Indiana Jones has to go in search of his father and try to get the relic, but the Nazis are also after her.

A peaceful place

In 2018 ‘A quiet place’ received numerous nominations, including the Oscars and Golden Globes. It revolves around the story of a family living in a house in the forest . In a post-apocalyptic future, they have to try not to make any noise because if they don’t listen to them no one can hunt them down.

Escape plan 2

One of the most popular movies on Amazon Prime Video is’ Escape Plan 2, starring Sylvester Stallones. Ray Breslin leads a team of specialists trained to release inmates from maximum security prisons . When one of the members is kidnapped and locked up in one of these prisons, Ray and his friends try to find him.

Notting Hill

A romantic comedy that everyone should see at least once in their life. William is the owner of a small bookstore in the London borough of Notting Hill . One day he meets the famous Anna Scott by chance, and his life changes forever.

The King of Zamunda

And finally, the sequel to ‘The Prince of Zamunda’ . Akeem returns to America when he learns that he has a son whom he has been looking for for a long time, in order to become the king of Zamunda.

The Amazon: the forest that worries everyone, except Brazilians

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