EntertainmentGamesThe new Biomutant trailer shows everything we need to...

The new Biomutant trailer shows everything we need to know about its world and gameplay within days of its launch

There is only one week left until Biomutant goes on sale and THQ Nordic and Experiment 101 have wanted to leave us with the most complete trailer to date of their action RPG. Over the course of about six minutes, the video explains everything we need to know about this kung-fu fable that will take place in a post-apocalyptic open world.

Its own creators recognize that for the creation of the world and its gameplay they have been inspired by other well-known sagas , such as The Legend of Zelda, Ratchet & Clank, Devil May Cry or the Batman: Arkham series, among other influences. , something that can be perfectly appreciated in the way the fighting will take place or in its immense world with dimensions of 8×8 kilometers.

Each one will be able to design the character they want, with an aspect that will also determine what their attributes will be . In turn, during the adventure we will be able to collect pieces that will be implemented in pants, hats and other clothing, although the same will happen with weapons as it is possible to combine pieces of all kinds, which at the same time will change their power depending on the quality of the objects that we place in them.

But these will not be the only decisions that we will have to make. As soon as we start this odyssey we will have to choose one of the six tribes that live in the surroundings , each with its own combat style and key characters and of which there will be three that will choose the light side and another three for the side of darkness.

While this decision may be changed later, the tribe we represent will affect the state of the tree of life at the center of the world. This is because the tribes of light will prefer that it survive, while the tribes of darkness will choose to destroy it so that the world is reborn and starts from scratch.

For the rest, the trailer also leaves us with some of the different special abilities that we will have at our disposal and that will allow us to summon mushrooms that throw us into the air, fly briefly or even shoot lightning bolts by hand. Thus, if we combine all this with the use of firearms, we will come to wreak real havoc on our adversaries.

All this will be from May 25 , the day that Biomutant will go on sale for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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