LivingThe origin of vaccines, what is a vaccine?

The origin of vaccines, what is a vaccine?

From the original works of Edward Jenner and Loius Pasteur to the present day, both the concept and the technical attributes of a vaccine have evolved. In this first episode of Biocosas, Pablo Barrecheguren reviews the history of vaccines and delves into the technology behind modern vaccines.

All the videos of the series in:

  • About “Biocosas”:

    Directed and presented by Pablo Barrecheguren (@pjbarrecheguren), "Biocosas" is a scientific dissemination project carried out by Minifilms TV in collaboration with Muy Interesante and with the collaboration of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology – Ministry of Science and Innovation.


Boylston, A. (2013). The origins of vaccination: No inoculation, no vaccination. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 106(10), 395–398.

De Gregorio, E., & Rappuoli, R. (2014). From empiricism to rational design: A personal perspective of the evolution of vaccine development. Nature Reviews Immunology, 14(7), 505–514.

Jacobs, BL, Langland, JO, Kibler, KV, Denzler, KL, White, SD, Holechek, SA, Wong, S., Huynh, T., & Baskin, CR (2009). Vaccinia virus vaccines: Past, present and future. Antiviral Research, 84(1), 1–13.

Jenner, E. (1800). Dr. Jenner, on the Vaccine Inoculation. The Medical and Physical Journal, 3(16), 502–503.

Tau, N., Yahav, D., & Shepshelovich, D. (2021). Vaccine safety–is the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine any different? Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, 17(5), 1322–1325.

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