FunThe phrases you should know about Barack Obama on...

The phrases you should know about Barack Obama on the day of his birth

On August 4, 1961, the one who became president of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, was born. Thus he served as the 44th President of the United States of America from January 20, 2009 to January 20, 2017. Today we see the phrases you should know about Barack Obama on the day of his birth.

He was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his diplomatic efforts for different reasons: achieving a peace process in the Middle East and participating in the fight against climate change.

Best Barack Obama Quotes

For me, patriotism is more than fidelity to a place on the map. It is respect for values, for a way of thinking. I think a story like mine can only happen in a place like the United States.

America has never moved based on what others can do for us. America is about knowing what we can all do together, through such frustrating and difficult but necessary work as self-government. That is the principle on which our nation was founded.

The real test is not if you avoid failure, because you won’t. It’s if you let it harden, get embarrassed and go into inaction, or if you learn from it. The phrases you should know about Barack Obama on the day of his birth .

Climate change has the potential to have devastating effects on people across the globe, and we must do something about it. And we will need to mobilize internationally.

Don’t let anyone tell you that your efforts don’t matter or that their voice doesn’t count. Never believe that you cannot make a difference. You can.

There is no liberal America and a conservative America, there is the United States of America. There is no black America and a white America, an America of Latinos and an America of Asians, there is the United States of America.

It should be the power of our vote, not the size of our bank accounts, that drives our democracy.

We are reminded that in the fleeting time we have on this Earth, what matters is not wealth, status, power or fame, but how well we have loved him and the small part we have played to improve the lives of others.

What I know for sure is that at the end of my life, what I will remember is the love I felt for my family and my friends, and for the good that I have done for other people.


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