LivingTravelTravel insurance in France

Travel insurance in France

France travel insurance is an important consideration before international (or even domestic if you are already there) travel. As a visitor, it is important to determine if you need travel insurance and which plan is the best before you leave home. Here’s a guide to the different types of travel insurance and why you should check it out.

Before you buy France travel insurance

The first step is to check with your own personal health insurance policy and see what it covers. If emergency treatment will be covered abroad (and without a large copayment or deductible, or a long list of exceptions), then at least you know that the medical aspects of your trip will be covered. But you need to check for the worst eventuality in case you have to be transported home in an emergency.

Travel insurance will generally also cover some extras, such as the cost of transporting you home for treatment if you have a medical emergency and lost luggage.

Types of travel insurance in France

If you are visiting France for a long time, you must take out travel insurance. There are several options, starting with the simplest. This travel insurance will cover items as you can, be it money lost on a trip that has been canceled due to an emergency, lost luggage and some medical emergencies.

You can also buy decent short-term health insurance for trips between 15 days and a year that include treatment for illnesses. If you plan to visit for a year or more, there are many options for annually renewable plans.

If you need a visa to visit France, the proof of health coverage is mandatory even before you apply.

The good news is that France’s health care system is wonderful, and is actually ranked higher than that of the US by the World Health Organization. In 2017 he was named the best in the world.

Comparison of travel insurance plans in France

If you decide to buy travel insurance, look for a plan that includes:

  • Treatment for emergencies and illnesses. Some plans also have a small amount of coverage (say $ 100) for dental emergencies.
  • Emergency medical evacuation in case you have to return to the U.S.
  • Trip interruption (which generally only covers you in the event of the death of an immediate family member or damage to your main home).
  • Policies with small deductibles ($ 100 or $ 250) and copays (most international insurances pay 100 percent of medical costs).
  • If you travel frequently, consider an annual membership that has an emergency evacuation program like MedjetAssist in case you need to fly home. You can choose which hospital in the US you will be taken to.

France’s travel insurance pitfalls

Buyer beware of the following out-of-pocket costs and exceptions:

  • Shop around for the best rate first. Many comparable plans have a wide range of costs.
  • Beware of low fees in exchange for crazy $ 1,000 or $ 2,500 deductibles.
  • Know that maternity treatment and childbirth are rarely covered.
  • Routine vaccinations and preventive treatment are rarely covered.
  • Pre-existing conditions – basically anything you have previously received treatment for or should have known existed before – are rarely covered. However, some policies allow some coverage (usually around $ 2,500) for the sudden recurrence of a pre-existing condition.
  • Most will not cover injuries sustained while drunk or on drugs.
  • If you get long-term insurance for an extended stay abroad, check to see if you will be covered if you return to the US for a visit. Some policies require you to purchase that extra when your policy period begins.

The crucial thing is to trace the policy itself. You want to pay more attention to the coverage schedule or benefit schedule, which will indicate what is covered and at what level. READ the fine print; It can save you costs if you claim something that is not covered.

However, what is more important is to analyze the exceptions to see what will NOT be covered. That’s where most people are unpleasantly surprised when they get treatment, and then find out it wasn’t covered.

Cost of France travel insurance quote

Travel Guard is a company that handles travel insurance, and you can receive a quote from their site.

See more essential tips for your French trip

  • The best travel tips in French before you travel
  • Essential things to pack in France
  • More travel essentials


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