LivingTruths and lies about baldness

Truths and lies about baldness

What is it about baldness that so frightens and torments those who suffer from it or those who see it as a potential threat? Despite being a disease that does not cause serious physical consequences, alopecia is one of the most common and demonized problems today. This pathology that causes hair loss affects about 50% of the world’s male population and 30% of the female population , but why do we fear it so much?

Hair loss is something natural, since it is part of its growth process and it is necessary for the hair to fall so that new ones can replace it. However, the problem of alopecia arises when this regeneration does not occur at the proper rate , causing those affected to lose all or part of their hair. Hair growth is regulated by the hormonal system and the appearance of alopecia is usually related to hair irregularities. Stress situations, hormonal alterations derived from other pathologies, inherited genetic predispositions or the simple passage of time are usually some of the most common reasons that cause the appearance of alopecia.

The society of each moment tends to extend some canons of beauty that come to be considered ideal by the population and makes many try to achieve them, putting their own health at risk on many occasions. Body weight or hair are two aspects that are often affected by these imposed models. Public figures such as Bruce Willis or Vin Diesel have made their baldness a symbol of identity and have managed to shake up the model of male beauty in favor of those who suffer from alopecia.

These insecurities are a clear focus for alternative treatments and miracle elixirs , as well as huge amounts of rumours, which create rejection and give rise to a pseudo-culture around alopecia. In order to break some urban legends and light the way around alopecia, we reveal some truths and lies about baldness .

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