LivingTwelve exotic passions on your table

Twelve exotic passions on your table

kiwi The consumption of so-called exotic fruits is constantly increasing. And this is good news since, in addition to their special flavor, they contain very interesting nutritional properties .

Avocado.Originally from Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela, this fruit is very rich in mostly monounsaturated fat and, specifically, oleic acid (72-75%), the same one that makes olive oil so healthy. It is also abundant in potassium and vitamin A. Calories: 135 per 100 grams.

Khaki.Also called palo de santo, it is native to China and Japan. It has a high water content and provides a large amount of carbohydrates, such as fructose and glucose. It is rich in vitamins A and C, and in potassium. Calories: 65.5 per 100 grams.

Cannon.It comes from Malaysia and Indonesia. This fruit has a very low energy value because it is poor in simple sugars, proteins and fats. Its pulp is generous in soluble fiber and calcium oxalate, so its consumption is not recommended in cases of kidney stones.

Chirimoya. It was originally collected in the mountains of Ecuador and the Peruvian Andes. It is rich in glucose, fructose, potassium, and vitamin C, but low in protein and fat. Calories: 81 per 100 grams.

Coco.In the composition of this fruit, native to the tropical Pacific Ocean, fat is the main ingredient, behind water. It provides few carbohydrates, a lot of fiber and a large amount of minerals (magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium). Calories: 351 per 100 grams.

Guava.It comes from Central America. It is deficient in sugars, but in return it is generous in vitamin C (concentrated about seven times more than orange) and niacin. Calories: 33 per 100 grams.

Kiwi. Native to the slopes of the Himalayas, this fruit is very watery. It provides a moderate amount of sugars, but it is very rich in vitamin C, folic acid and potassium. Calories: 54 per 100 grams.

Kumquat. Isdwarf orangeIt is native to East Asia. Its energy value is high and it is rich in vitamin C, folic acid and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Litchi. This Chinese fruit is generous in sugars, vitamin C and folic acid; and low in fat and protein. Calories: 36 per 100 grams.

Passion fruit.The so-called passion fruit comes from Central America. Contains a large amount of sugars, vitamins A and C; fiber and potassium. Calories: 110 per 100 grams.

Mango. It was originally grown in northern Burna, northwestern India, the slopes of the Himalayas, and Sri Lanka. It contains a moderate amount of carbohydrates and is rich in C and A. Calories: 60 per 100 grams.

Papaya.This soft consistency fruit is native to Mexico, although some experts believe it comes from the Andes of Peru. It contains little fiber and carbohydrates. In return, it is generous in vitamins A and C, as well as potassium.

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