SportMotoGPViñales: "With Aprilia we want to create a powerful...

Viñales: "With Aprilia we want to create a powerful working group"

Sepang.- Maverick Viñales commented on the news advanced by this year he will work with a new physical trainer Fabrizio Maganzi, the same one who helped Formula 1 drivers years ago, such as Fernando Alonso, in addition to having the collaboration of a sports psychologist, a decision made in agreement with his new team, Aprilia.

This Sunday, the Spanish runner confirmed the news and explained how he had come to make this decision.

“It is a bit of a decision together with the whole team, since last year we began to create a good working group and have confidence, we are creating a powerful group and that the rest comes from there. The most important thing is that we work well and we can be calm, with that the results will arrive”, explained the Catalan.

At all times, Maverick wanted to make it clear that the initiative came from joint work with the team.

“Both Aprilia and I have the same goal and we work for it. We have to trust each other and above all that we all go as one,” he said.

After finishing Saturday with the second fastest time of the day, this Sunday Maverick was fifth setting the same time as fourth, Alex Rins (1.58.261) after completing 34 laps before rain ruined the last three hours of practice.

“I have had a lot of fun with the bike, I have understood many things that are not easy, you arrive at a track with many hobbies from the other year, I have understood how to set the time and work the rhythm well, I have found myself very loose and comfortable, but to a dry lap we still have to work,” admitted Mack.

“We have been ahead and above all we have a good rhythm, we have improved a lot there”, settled the boy from Roses.

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