EntertainmentGamesWhat is 'Death Stranding' about? This is what we...

What is 'Death Stranding' about? This is what we know

Hideo Kojima , what else can be said about a figure like yours in the world of video games. This 55-year-old Japanese is the father of the well-known Metal Gear saga: one of the best espionage simulators ( tactical espionage action , a term coined by the developer himself) owned by Konami. With the tortuous development of Metal Gear Solid V, and an unborn Silent Hill project with Guillermo del Toro, the Japanese company decided to dispense with the developer and focus on the mobile and pachinkos market.

Kojima told the 2019 Tribeca festival that, at the time, he found himself completely devastated . When he thought he had hit rock bottom, he remembered all the contacts and friends he had made in the industry (Geoff Keighley, Norman Reedus, Guillermo del Toro…) and began to join and “reconnect” the bonds he had created .

After a series of rumors and uncertainty about whether the aforementioned was real, on December 15 Sony made an official statement announcing its relationship with Hideo Kojima and his new studio, Kojima Productions . Andrew House, now the former president of Sony Interactive Entertainment , made the announcement official on YouTube .

About Death Stranding

Today the information we have is more extensive, but no less confusing.

Sam, our protagonist, belongs to Bridges : an organization created by the government to reestablish the world. The president of the United Cities of America (or UCA), Bridget, entrusts us to follow in the footsteps of her daughter Amelie (Lindsay Wagner) who has a certain ability to connect with “the other side” and can communicate with Sam from anywhere.

In one of the trailers we find out that Amelie has been captured by Homo Demens and, specifically by her supposed leader, Higgs (Troy Baker) . This character wears a gold mask that allows him to summon creatures from the underworld and also the ability to teleportation.

Homo Demens is a terrorist organization that only wants chaos and reunify America through force and terror and that remains outside the UCA, in Edge Knot. Because of this, the world is completely disconnected from each other, and our protagonist’s mission will be to reconnect it , activating the so-called Chiral Network that will restore links between states across the east-west coast of the US.

And we will not do it alone, as it will be a cooperative task with other players in the world. Yes, Death Stranding has an asynchronous multiplayer (in non-real time) that will further fuel the concept of reconnecting the world.


In the game, our greatest obstacle will be a series of enemies and invisible masses that swarm the world and that will persecute us without rest, their official name is BT. If we “die” we will be dragged by these invisible masses, to a transcript of the underworld (Hades) which will vary depending on how these beings died. This whole set is what is called the Death Stranding .

One of the main mechanics of the title will be to deliver goods , go from point A to point B to deliver information, a specific object … Without confirming anything, in the trailer it seems that carrying out these secondary missions will unlock part of the map and, therefore, new objectives .

Another mechanic will be to urinate, which will not be a mere ornament or a simple gag, but we will be able to make mushrooms bloom and, according to Kojima, the interaction with other players who are “doing it” with us at the same time will offer us the most rewards succulents .

But if something has caught all eyes throughout the trailers, it is the BB-Pods , a capsule in which our protagonist always carries a baby floating in a kind of amniotic fluid with him . These babies are somehow connected between the two worlds and will serve as a BT detector; In the latest trailer published today we know that they are synchronized through a machine and if the baby is disturbed we will only have to shake our remote to rock and reassure him .

Although, there are other characters like Mama (Margaret Qualley, actress) who has her own baby without a capsule , this one is in the other dimension. She herself explains that they are linked between worlds by an invisible umbilical cord and that, although she cannot breastfeed, she does not stop producing milk.

Death Stranding has its release date set for November 8, 2019 , exclusively for the Playstation 4 console.

Other characters

Fragile (Lea Seydoux, actress). He is another of the characters in this game and, like Sam, his job also consists of the distribution and connection of zones, in this case for the Fragile Express company. It appears for the first time warning the protagonist of the presence of some BTs .

Cliff (Mads Mikkelsen, actor). Despite his constant presence in the trailers, he is one of the characters we know the least about . At some point he was involved in the creation of the BB-Pods and became an active part of the BTs in Hades, now he is dedicated to hunting those who visit him.

Deadman (Guillermo del Toro, director). This character is introduced to us from the beginning fleeing from Cliff while carrying a BB-Pod . In another video, he reappears together with Sam and BB-Pod connected to a machine that, according to Deadman, is used to relax the baby .

If we look at what has been seen so far, we can deduce that Deadman will at some point travel to Hades and return with a BB-Pod , without making it clear if it is the same one that Sam carries or not.

Heartman (Nicolas Winding Refn, film director). A member of Bridges who, longing to find his family in Hades, stops his heart every twenty-one minutes and can only be there three, after which the defibrillator in his chest revives him by living in a constant loop between life and death. death.

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