LivingTravelWhat is massage therapy?

What is massage therapy?

Massage therapy has been around for thousands of years, and probably as soon as humans discovered that it felt good for someone to rub their sore shoulders. The term ‘ massage ‘ is believed to originate from the Greek word massein, which means ‘to knead’.

Massage therapists use a variety of cross-fiber gliding, kneading, and friction movements to work muscle tissue, release tension, and improve circulation.

You are usually naked during a massage but covered by sheets. Only the part you work on is exposed and modesty is always protected. Massage oil is used to lubricate the skin.

Many people consider massage therapy to be just a pampering, but it has significant health benefits. In fact, you get the most benefit when massage therapy is part of your regular wellness routine.

Different types of massage therapy

Swedish massage is the most common type of massage therapy and a good option for first-time spagoers. Other types include deep tissue massage, sports massage, hot stone massage, aromatherapy, lymphatic drainage, trigger point therapy, craniosacral therapy, neuromuscular therapy and myofascial release, watsu, Rolfing, reflexology, shiatsu, Thai massage, and massage. ayurvedic like abhyanga.

Massage therapy costs

A massage therapy session can last anywhere from 30 minutes for a mini massage to 90 minutes. Fifty minutes to an hour is the most common. The cost of the massage varies, depending on the geographic location and how luxurious the spa is.

Where to get massage therapy

Massage therapy is the most popular treatment at spas, but you can also receive a massage from individually licensed massage therapists who work outside of your home or come to your home with a table.

When not to get massage therapy

Do not receive massage therapy if you feel ill, have a rash or open sores, or if you have just had surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation. Pregnant women should check with their doctor before receiving massage therapy.

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