FunWhat is the meaning of dreams?

What is the meaning of dreams?

What is the meaning of dreams? According to science, dreams are the result of a reworking of our mind that contains past experiences , present feelings and future desires, but what exactly do they mean? Or rather, why do we sometimes dream of things that don’t even make sense?

What is the meaning of dreams?

Dreams are triggered while we are sleeping , which is when we are most vulnerable and lack self-control . We spend a lot of time repressing what we feel, perhaps because we are too caught up in the rigid routine imposed by society, regardless of the feelings, cravings and pains that we accumulate in that infinite well that we call unconscious.

Dreams have always fascinated man. In fact, to date there is still no specific theory that explains why we dream , even if it is hypothesized that it has a role in the organization of memory.

Sigmund Freud , father of psychoanalysis, argued that dreams , as can be seen in the chapters of one of his most famous books, »The Interpretation of Dreams«, were a distorted window into our unconscious and that they were the result of our desires. .

Another great psychologist, Carl Jung also worked on the psychology of dreams and developed his theories that did not differ much from those of Freud (of whom he was a disciple). For Jung, the key is in the possibility of using dream visions as an instrument of greater self-knowledge.

If so, then we can say that every detail of one’s dreams can have a meaning that can only be understood based on the past.

Bearing this in mind, we can always say that dreams do not cease to be everything that we have lived throughout the day, or in recent days, adding with “traumas” from the past or also desires or things that we would like to do in the future. life . All this can lead to the generation of authentic stories or “movies” inside our heads capable of disconcerting us once we wake up and remember everything we dreamed of.

Of course today looking for a meaning or a meaning to dreams is “easier” than it was in the past. Obviously to understand what we dream, we would have to do a deep analysis of our psyche and also understand other factors that affect us, but as a general rule, it is enough to go online and search one of the portals dedicated to this topic to understand that many Of the dreams that one has, they would have a more generic or common meaning to everyone.

Let’s take an example; One of the most clicked and frequent dreams, according to Google Trends statistics, is to dream of losing teeth , in this case popular beliefs will lead you to think that this dream announces the death of a loved one.

But do not believe everything that is said since in reality this dream symbolizes insecurity, stress and weakness. This should lead you to make a subjective reflection on what recent or past events have given you these feelings.

The numbers in dreams

Another very frequent activity, which has ancestral roots dating back to the first dream book of Artemidorus, is to look for the numbers corresponding to a dream symbol. In this way, we may see a certain number of things and try to make sense of it, such as dreaming that you had “X” number of coins in your pocket, or dreaming that someone from your past or a deceased relative is approaching you. ti to list you a series of numbers .

Everything has a meaning and although the first reaction of many is to write down those numbers to try their fortune and perhaps play them in the lottery, the truth is that the numbers themselves have a meaning , so you just have to see what it is and think if it has or not related to the dream and what we are feeling and living at this precise moment.

As we say, finding out the meaning of dreams is easy nowadays thanks to the much existing information on the interpretation of dreams, but the truth is that each person is different, since they live and feel in a unique and exclusive way. Each of us dreams of different things, although the theme or what happens is something generic, so that to find a meaning we must delve into our emotional, mental and even physical state.

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