LivingTravelWhat you get with the Go Madrid City Pass

What you get with the Go Madrid City Pass

The Madrid City Pass is a discount card that takes you free or at a reduced rate to a number of attractions in Madrid, as well as providing free transportation from the airport and access to a sightseeing bus tour of the city.

You can buy a Madrid City Pass that covers 24 hours (One-day Pass), 48 hours (Two-day Pass), 72 hours (Three-day Pass) and 120 hours (Five-day Pass). More than 50 restaurants, 24 shops, 17 bars and nightclubs, seven theaters, six tours and four car service companies also offer discounts to Madrid City Pass holders. The cost of the pass ranges between 47 and 77 euros, depending on the number of hours / days for which the card is valid.

In addition to discounted tickets to local attractions, the Madrid City Pass also grants you priority access to museums and tours, which means you can save some time on your trip to Spain by skipping the line at some of the most popular destinations. from the city.

Museums, guided tours and leisure activities

When it comes to visiting the capital of Spain, exploring the history and culture of the city is an invaluable part of any trip to the city. If you want to get the most out of your trip without spending a lot of money, the Madrid City Pass may be an excellent option for you, especially considering which attractions you will be able to access.

The main museums with free admission and priority access include the Prado National Museum, the Reina Sofía National Museum and the Art Center, the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, the Royal Palace of Madrid, the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de Escorial and the Abbey Benedictine of the Sacred Cross in the Valley of the Fallen.

You can also get discounts on guided tours offered by Discover Madrid (Discover Madrid), as well as priority access to a tour of the Bernabéu stadium, Atlético de Madrid and the famous central bullring. Free leisure activities include priority access to the Faunia Natural Park, the Madrid Amusement Park and the Madrid Cable Car Zoo Madrid Zoo.

Make the most of your Madrid City Pass

You’ll have to work hard to get your money’s worth with the Madrid City Pass, although it’s worth it if you plan to explore much of the city, especially the many museums and great dining options that Madrid has to offer.

The two main museums in Madrid, the Prado and Reina Sofía Museums, cost 15 and 10 euros respectively for entry, but both museums are open for free most days for a couple of hours. Ultimately, you can experience both for free, but you could waste a lot of time browsing through the crowds when museums are open to everyone.

If you want to spread the word about your museum visits, you will need one of the longer Madrid Cards, which are better value for money. When deciding if the 5-day card is right for you, consider the following:

  • If there are two museums per day you want to see, you will save more on admission than the price of the card.
  • Full-price tickets for the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium, Faunia Natural Park and Madrid Amusement Park tour cost more than one day of your five-day pass. In fact, Faunia and the amusement park, at about 25 euros each, cost almost two days of your pass.
  • The priority access you get at some of the larger museums could be worth at least half an hour of your time.
  • Madrid Card restaurants are generally high-end restaurants, so expect to pay a lot at these establishments, even with your discount.

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