SportF1Why Alfa Romeo is not interested in F1 in...

Why Alfa Romeo is not interested in F1 in the long term

Since first partnering with the Sauber team in 2018, Alfa Romeo has always been adamant that the continuation of their relationship would be decided on a year-by-year basis .

Despite the fact that the value and interest around Alfa Romeo and Formula 1 is greater than ever, and that other manufacturers are knocking on the door to enter (Audi even with Sauber itself), there is no indication that the Italian brand is going to change its plan.

Alfa Romeo CEO Jean-Philippe Imparato says that while the partnership is bringing great value to the brand, he is happy to retain some degree of flexibility.

“I will decide on 2023 with our colleagues in the next few weeks,” he told “The question for us is not to plan five years ahead.”

“We are, I think, in this project of 2023 and, as you know, we signed with our colleagues a very clear, transparent and long-term partnership with annual evaluations. So I feel totally comfortable in any aspect of that evaluation.”

“Every year we’ll review it, and decide for the following year. I’m not part of a long-term commitment on anything, maybe five years.”

“So, to be clear, any negotiations on the engine, any negotiations and anything in terms of our partnership is led by Fred Vasseur and Sauber, in the best interest of Sauber.”

“Alfa Romeo’s best interest is to achieve return on investment every year, and progress in terms of performance every year. That’s it. The rest is completely, I would say, separate.”

Jean Philippe Imparato, Brand CEO, Alfa Romeo

Jean Philippe Imparato, CEO of Alfa Romeo

Imparato ‘s stance contrasts with that of other automakers, who are committed to F1 for the long term.

But the Frenchman is also not used to doing things the conventional way, as he represents the only car manufacturer in F1 that is happy (indeed, delighted) to have the naming rights to a team rather than own the company. own team or build an engine.

“I think I have the best ROI on earth,” smiled the CEO. “That may be surprising. But with our colleagues at Sauber we have invented a new business model where there is a double government between us.”

Formula 1’s push towards carbon neutrality

All carmakers are facing tough times amid the switch to electric cars , which is proving hugely expensive.

F1, despite committing to carbon neutrality, is betting on a future with an internal combustion engine, albeit powered by sustainable fuel.

However, Imparato does not see a clash of philosophies between electric road cars and zero emission engines in F1, as he believes that they can coexist very well, as well as that the category will gain a lot if it is the pioneer in terms of carbon neutrality stance.

“Fuel, and respect for the environment, are at the center of the transformation of Formula 1. I am convinced of this,” he said.

“After that, I don’t know what the pace will be, the reasons, the event, but I know they’re on it, and they’re working on it.”

“So anytime everyone works on something that’s positive for carbon neutrality, that’s good news for me.”

Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, Mick Schumacher, Haas VF-22

Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, Mick Schumacher, Haas VF-22

“Motorsport is always a forerunner and it will be seen to drive change, probably faster than everyone else, as always.”

“We can argue, debate and shout, but in the end, we are competitors. The objective is clear; everyone is competing to be the first, and it will be like that in this too,” he explained.

But while F1’s drive towards sustainable fuels has raised talk of the switch to electric cars being pushed back from current schedules, Imparato insists there is no going back for his company.

“I think the decisions are made,” he said. “The industry will go electric in 2035, and when you set a bar like that, it means you stop investing now, and you leave ICE in 2030, more or less. So it’s going to be a race to see who’s first.” to get to zero.”

“There is no compromise, and there is not, for me, a plan B. Because our children will not accept that we go beyond the limits of CO2 emissions. It is a matter of ethics,” concluded the CEO of Alfa Romeo.

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