FunWhy do we cry with the onion?

Why do we cry with the onion?

It is not out of emotion or regret. When the onion is split, our eyes become irritated because we produce cellular breaks that allow an enzyme called allinase to come into contact with an odorless molecule present inside this product. This combination generates certain molecules, including propanotial, which, upon entering the eye, causes eye irritation and tearing due to its contact with water. Also the sulfuric acid that it produces contributes to damage the conjunctival membrane. For this reason, the home remedy of cutting the onion by previously bathing it in water gives good results, since this way the propanotial dissolves before it reaches the eyes.

Japanese scientists create a 'washing machine for humans'

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Insect swarms generate as much electricity as a thunderstorm

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This is what the Earth's magnetic field sounds like

The shield that protects our planet sounds 'pretty scary', according to ESA engineers.

Days were only 17 hours long 2.46 billion years ago

It was when the Moon was much closer to our planet. As the centuries pass, the Moon slowly recedes and the length of our day gradually lengthens accordingly.

Women are better at doing crosswords

A new study has revealed that women have a 'small but robust' advantage over time.
