FunWhy does the shower curtain stick to our bodies?

Why does the shower curtain stick to our bodies?

When we shower, the plastic of the shower curtains is usually absorbed into the shower tray or bathtub and adheres to our body. This annoying phenomenon could be explained by the pressure difference that appears due to the fact that the air is lighter when it is humid or hot (inside the shower), and tends to rise, while on the other side of the curtain it is colder, drier. and heavy, so that it is shifted inward by the pressure difference. The higher the water temperature, the more intense this phenomenon will be, the scientists suggest.

On the other hand, David Schmidt, from the University of Massachusetts (USA), recently received an IgNobel – award for the most absurd investigations of the year – for reaching the conclusion that the process is explained in part by the so-called Bernoulli effect , the same that helps to understand how an airplane flies: when a fluid accelerates (the drops of water thrown by the shower head, in this case) the pressure drops, and the pressure difference in front of the outside would cause the movement of the curtain.

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