SportF1Will Albert Park changes create more interesting races in...

Will Albert Park changes create more interesting races in F1?

The Australian Grand Prix moved to the capital of Victoria in 1996 and since then the configuration of the track located in Melbourne has remained practically unchanged, as has the asphalt in some areas of the circuit.

The inevitable evolution of technology and single-seaters meant that as the category progressed, overtaking in Albert Park became less and less, and although the fans received Formula 1 with the same enthusiasm and cordiality, the races were no longer as bright.

In 2020, the grand prix had to be canceled within hours of starting the action on track due to the impact of COVID-19 and, after two years of absence, it is now finally back with a renewed infrastructure.

However, before seeing the single-seaters on the asphalt, something that will happen next Friday, April 8, there is a question that everyone in Formula 1 is asking…

Will the Albert Park changes make racing in Australia more interesting?

Obviously, that was the goal of the reconstruction. Turn 1 is unlikely to become a frequent overtaking spot to begin with, but its new extension will allow drivers to have more than one trajectory, as well as giving them the opportunity to better prepare for overtaking under corner braking. 3.

In said lap it will also be much easier to overtake other drivers compared to the past, as that area has also widened and slightly changed its profile.

It is very likely that nobody will regret or miss the chicane at turns 8 and 9. Although there were occasional overtaking, the straightening of this section promises to make the next turn in the 11 really interesting and challenging .

Drivers will be on full throttle for a long period after exiting Turn 6, and then will have to brake in a new extended area at the end of the famous lakeside arch before reaching to 11. Should be an interesting section.

Another of the most important changes has been the expansion of the pit lane , with the aim of increasing speed and, in turn, reducing the total time of pit stops, in order to create many more possibilities strategically speaking, another of the reasons why the Australian GP races should become more spectacular for the public.

However, that is the theory and for a few days it will not be clear if these expectations will be adjusted to reality. Initially, the modifications are promising, but only the appearance of the Formula 1 cars on the Albert Park track can confirm or deny it.

Detalle de Albert Park

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