SportMotoGPWith the operation of Márquez "they have given us...

With the operation of Márquez "they have given us guarantees", says his agent

125cc World Champion in 1999, Emilio Alzamora has been Marc Márquez’s manager since before the rider from Cervera came to the World Championship. This Wednesday, within the framework of the presentation of the Grand Prix of Catalonia , held in the port of Barcelona , the former driver told a large group of attendees at the event that “they have given us guarantees of the operation”, implying that the The doctors are completely sure that the fourth operation on the Honda rider will be the definitive one and the one that will allow him to return to competition recovered.

“As you all know, Marc is already in the United States, today Wednesday he is passing all the logical tests in the preoperative period and, as was already said in the statement, this Thursday he will go through the operating room,” he later explained in a petit committee .


Alzamora has not accompanied his representative on this trip, nor did he explain who has traveled with the pilot, although he did say that he was “perfectly clothed” to face a fourth intervention of which they have been given guarantees.

“Well, let’s see, when you say guarantees, in the end it is an operation, but as Marc explained very well on Saturday, the third surgery (December 2020) was a complete success, because he had one of the worst bacteria, a very important infection “They focused on that infection and after three operations it was very difficult to leave the perfect humerus. Now the bone is with significant degrees (of rotation) and that is why this decision has been made.”

For the former driver, the most important thing is that Márquez has tried at all times, and that he has never given up.

“Marc has tried, he has worked to the maximum, with a medical team and physios, his arm has improved a lot compared to last year, but his goal has always been to fight for the world championships and enjoy riding the bike, and really the limitations were This year the bike part doesn’t help either, it’s a reality, Honda has an important job to do and must improve the bike, and I think it’s the best decision we could make”.

“When I say that they have given us guarantees, it is because it is very clear where the focus of the problem is, which is that the humerus has a very important rotation (there is talk of more than 30%) and with the technique that has already been explained they will return to put the bone in its place.

A decision and a new entry into the operating room that perhaps others, having won so much and having become a legend, would have declined.

“Without a doubt it says a lot about Marc’s character, wanting to keep fighting and keep working one hundred percent to be able to fight again for the world championships, which is his great motivation.”

“Marc is human and has had a very bad time, with relapses and operations, anyone in his position would have thought of giving up, but he always surprises us with his ability to overcome and not throw in the towel. Personally, he has never mentioned the idea to me of withdrawal, on the contrary, always fighting to get out of this episode that life has put before him”.

Un momento de la presentación del Gran Premio de Catalunya este miércoles en Barcelona, con (de izquierda a derecha) Maverick Viñales, Alex Crivillé, Carlos Checa, Emilio Alzamora y Sito Pons, todos ellos campeones del mundo

A moment from the presentation of the Catalan Grand Prix this Wednesday in Barcelona, with (from left to right) Maverick Viñales, Alex Crivillé, Carlos Checa, Emilio Alzamora and Sito Pons, all of them world champions

In July 2020, four days after undergoing surgery for the first time on his right humerus, Alzamora was the one who fought the most so that Marc did not reappear in the second grand prix in Jerez. Now, when there is already talk of possible reappearance dates, even Misano or Aragón is said, in September, the former pilot does not even want to hear about it.

“All athletes have had episodes, and that one had important consequences, we cannot deny it, it is the evidence. But the important thing is to look at the present, the past, the past is, and I think he was in good hands with Dr. Samuel Antuña in the third operation, and now, with Dr. Joaquín Sánchez-Sotelo , he is in the best hands. You learn from everything and now, the first thing is that the operation goes well and, second, the deadlines that have to be, will be. There is no rush to get back on the bike”, concluded Alzamora.

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