LivingWorld Breastfeeding Week 2022. Let's promote breastfeeding: supporting and...

World Breastfeeding Week 2022. Let's promote breastfeeding: supporting and educating

World Breastfeeding Week 2022 is celebrated from August 1 to 7, whose motto this year is Let’s Promote Breastfeeding: Supporting and Educating, with the aim that all those involved participate in its promotion.

Breastfeeding is everyone’s business , not just the breastfeeding mother and her baby, which is why this year the SMLM wants to focus on strengthening the capacity of the actors who have to protect, promote and support breastfeeding at different levels of the society.

Breastfeeding in a post-pandemic world

In an environment where the Covid-19 pandemic and geopolitical conflicts have widened and deepened inequalities, leading more people to food insecurity, the WHO highlights that breast milk is perfectly designed for the nutritional and immunological needs of the child and the girl and helps prevent infections.

Breastfeeding promotes the bond between the mother and her baby, regardless of the environment, and provides food security to the baby, from the beginning of his life, contributing to the food security of the whole family.

Chain of support for breastfeeding

Breastfeeding support involves many actors and levels. Women need the support of health services, workplaces and the community to breastfeed optimally.

Education and transformation of existing systems, supported by evidence-based national policies, will help ensure breastfeeding-friendly health facilities, supportive communities and workplaces, and restore and improve breastfeeding rates, nutrition and health, both short and long term.

Governments, health systems, workplaces and communities must be informed, educated and empowered to strengthen their capacities to provide and sustain breastfeeding-friendly environments for families in the post-pandemic world , says WHO.

Breastfeeding, the best start

The WHO continues to recommend that standard infant feeding guidelines be adhered to:

  • The importance of the first hour of life : initiation of breastfeeding within one hour after birth.
  • Six months of exclusive breastfeeding: Exclusive breastfeeding until babies are six months old.
  • Then, along with complementary feeding : continuation of breastfeeding along with nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods, until two years of age or beyond.
Unicef estimates that exclusive breastfeeding up to six months of age can prevent the deaths of 1.3 million children under the age of five each year.

Objectives of the SMLM 2022

  • Inform people of their role in strengthening the effective chain to support breastfeeding.
  • Establish breastfeeding as part of good nutrition, food security and reduction of inequalities.
  • Interact with people and organizations throughout the effective chain of support for breastfeeding.
  • Influence action to strengthen the capacity of actors and systems for transformative change.

Breastfeeding in children older than one year: breastfeeding from 12 months is not spoiling

The first thing that caused me doubt when writing the post was the title. I have often heard the terms prolonged breastfeeding to refer to children older than 12 months who are still nursing. Or breastfeeding in older children. And yet, I get the impression that these terms refer to something that is not normal, as if breastfeeding had to have a short duration or children beyond the age of 2 years were considered too old to breastfeed.

Breast cancer during breastfeeding: a difficult diagnosis to face

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in Spain. So far this year, 35,000 new cases have been diagnosed in our country according to the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), and it is estimated that one in eight women will have breast cancer at some point in her life. However, it has a high survival rate: more than 90 percent overcome it or it becomes chronic, achieving a great quality of life.

My baby is very distracted while breastfeeding: why it happens and how to get...

During the first weeks of life, breastfed babies often only want to be at their mother's breast. The shots are long (practically one with another), the baby's movements are slow and calm, and the exchange of glances between mother and child is constant.

Mixed breastfeeding in twins: how to organize to feed two babies

The WHO recommends that babies under six months be exclusively breastfed. Mothers who have twins or fraternal twins are capable of producing milk for both of them, since we know that the greater the stimulation, the greater the production of milk; women in these cases can produce... up to 2 liters of milk a day!

Does your baby "tune in" to the nipple while nursing? Why does it do...

Does your baby play and touch the nipple that is free while he is sucking on the other one? This is a behavior popularly known as "tuning" (the child moves the nipple as if tuning a radio), and although it is completely normal and natural, it can be uncomfortable for some mothers.
