FunNature & Animal15 foods your cat may or may not eat

15 foods your cat may or may not eat

Feeding the cat is a fundamental element in maintaining its health . If we want our cat to be healthy and strong, we must provide it with the nutrients it needs. Being a carnivore by nature, its feed must have a meat base that provides it with the necessary proteins, as well as a contribution of taurine, an amino acid that is very important for the cat.

The age, size and also the habits of the cat (if it is active, if it is calmer, if it has a tendency to gain weight …) will largely determine the type of food that we provide. However, everyone needs a balanced and quality diet .

With leftovers we must be very careful. The temptation to reward our cat with some of our food is great, but we must know well what we can give and what not. For example, if we have leftover liver, we can cook it (very important!) And give it in small pieces, or give it a little sausage low in salt and fat and some vegetables that we indicate in the gallery. On the contrary, avoid foods rich in sugars, salts and fats ; They won’t do you any good, but may harm your well-being in the long run.

As for the variants of feed, we find three main types: dry food, semi-dry food and wet food . If you have doubts about what type of food to give your cat, consult your veterinarian first before deciding on one. Bear in mind, of course, that the lowest quality feed are those that have a higher percentage of cereals (carbohydrates) and less of meat, when it should be the other way around.

If we choose to provide a homemade natural diet, we must know that it will be very laborious, since it must not only consist of meat and fish with some vegetables (this would be a poor diet), but it must contain essential components, such as taurine.

Next, we will tell you what foods you can give your cat as a treat or as a complement to its diet and which ones definitely not.

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