LivingMilk and carbohydrates are bad for your sperm

Milk and carbohydrates are bad for your sperm

beber-leche The more carbohydrates a man takes in his daily diet , the worse the quality of his sperm. This has been demonstrated by a study from Harvard University (USA) presented at the last meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine on 200 patients subjected to in vitro fertilization. The analyzes revealed that, although the intake of carbohydrates (bread, rice, pasta, sugars …) does not seem to have any impact on the mobility or shape of the sperm, the higher the amount of carbohydrates consumed (especially if reach 50% of the daily intake), the lower the sperm count .

On the other hand, researchers from the Harvard University School of Public Health, led by Myriam Afeiche, have shown that whole dairy products negatively affect the quality of semen . The study included data from only 189 men between the ages of 19 and 25, but reveals that men who consume 3 servings of whole dairy products – for example, 3 glasses of milk – have semen of 25% lower quality than men. they keep those products out of their diet. This could be attributed to the fact that estrogen, the female hormone par excellence, is present in cow's milk, according to the main author of the work.

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