LivingLess testosterone, more depression

Less testosterone, more depression

Menos testosterona, más depresión About 3 out of 100 people are currently depressed. And although before the age of 65 the most affected are women, after that age the differences are blurred. A new study by Australian scientists reveals that sexual hormones have a lot to do with this process.

Specifically, after studying 4,000 men between 71 and 89 years of age, researcher Osvaldo P. Almeida has estimated that individuals with the lowest levels of the hormone are three times more likely to suffer from depression than the rest of their peers. The mechanisms behind this phenomenon are not clear, although Almeida suspects that they could be related to changes in the levels of different neurotransmitters.

It is not the only evidence for the important role of latestosterone in the human brain. Previous studies have linked low levels of this hormone to increased fatigue and muscle weakness . The drop in testosterone could also be behind memory loss and impaired cognitive functions in old age. However, at the moment it is not clear if all these symptoms could be avoided by giving hormonal supplements.

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