FunNature & AnimalHow to adopt a Maltese bichon

How to adopt a Maltese bichon

The Maltese Bichon is a playful, mischievous, affectionate and intelligent dog. These dogs are very homey and enjoy sitting next to you while you read a book or watch a movie on television. However, although they are great pets, they are not suitable for all homes, since they require a lot of care. If you are thinking of adopting a dog (of whatever breed it is), you should research its specific needs in advance. Remember that a pet is a commitment for life!

Research their personality

Maltese Bichons like company and will often bark or suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for long periods of time. Therefore, you should assess whether you will be able to dedicate enough time to your pet. You will also have to train him to learn to be alone and not be stressed when you leave home.

In addition, these dogs are outgoing and courageous, but because they are small and have delicate bones, they are easily injured. As a result, he could become skittish or aggressive. You will need to keep an eye on the bichon when around larger pets and teach children how to properly hold it. If you live with very young children, you may need to choose a different breed.

Take into account their care

This breed has a long, silky coat, so they need daily brushing and regular haircutting. This will mean an additional expense in the dog grooming unless you learn to do it yourself. Also, these dogs tend to be quite chilly since their fur does not have an undercoat. If you live in a very cold area, maybe you should choose another breed.

Look for a shelter or protector

There are many breeders of Maltese bichons, but you can also find purebred bichons in most animal shelters and shelters. If you have the opportunity, you better adopt a furry one who needs it. He will surely thank you with a lot of love!

If you do eventually go to a breeder, you will need to do a thorough investigation to make sure it is not a puppy mill. It requires seeing the litter of puppies with the parents to check that they are in good health.

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