FunNature & AnimalDo you want to meet the american curl cat?

Do you want to meet the american curl cat?

If we think of striking cat breeds, one of the ones that will come to mind first is the American curl. One of its most characteristic features is its curious ears bent back. Have you ever wondered why they are like this? This is the result of a mutation that took place in California during 1981 between short-haired cats and long-haired cats.

American Grace Ruga has a lot to do with the recognition of this breed as such. One day, two kittens with curly ears were found at home and while one of these cats disappeared, the female stayed to live with her. Later she became pregnant and had a litter. Interestingly, two of the newborn kittens also had this peculiarity in their ears. These cute little animals aroused the interest of a dog breeder, who came to the conclusion that they must form a new breed. So it was.

The American curl cat is born with straight ears, but they curl up during the first week of life. Incredible true? Undoubtedly this is what draws his attention the most, but the truth is that this breed is also characterized by having a beautiful, silky and abundant coat. This can be presented in any shade, except chocolate and cinnamon.

As with other cats, you have to be especially careful that hairballs (trichobezoars) form in the stomach. The felines lick themselves, among other things, to clean themselves and this causes them to swallow too much hair, with its consequent health problems. However, in the American curl the risk is even greater since you have semi-long hair.

In general, this breed is usually quite affectionate and funny. Although cats are usually quite territorial, this one we are dealing with today has quite a tolerance towards other animals. In addition, it is ideal for families with children since it gets along quite well with the little ones.

If you want to know more about this curious breed, don’t miss our image gallery.

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