FunNature & AnimalMy dog bites, how can I control this attitude?

My dog bites, how can I control this attitude?

Our dog’s bites must always be controlled, without exception. It is possible to teach our dear friend to use his mouth correctly when he is using it to attack and we must put effort into it.

On too many occasions, we see owners encouraging “rough and tough” play with their dog, inciting him to bite something, forcing him to make his nervous state imply that he bite. This will bring learning and we will not be able to get angry or complain to the vet if the animal bites when it should not or, worse, to whom it should not.

Puppies appear to be genetically programmed to bite – they nibble on our hands and clothing, and they do so for a number of reasons:

· It is one of his ways of playing, with his mouth and paws.

· They explore their human and interact directly with him. They also use their mouths for the sense of touch.

· It makes them get our attention.

· Helps release stress and relieves gum discomfort, typical of the puppy stage.

In addition, movement awakens part of the predatory instinct of our dogs, so it is something that they cannot avoid at first. We will be there to teach you that it is something you cannot do in your new environment.

What steps do we take to teach him what is wrong?

Complain when it doesn’t bite. When two puppies are playing and one of them bites too hard, the bitten puppy will whine and stop playing. We must do the same, but with a resounding “no” or with a loud groan. He must understand that he has hurt you.

How do we act? We will withdraw from your presence or confine you for a few seconds in another room. The point is to interrupt the game, that he understands that this bite does not bring good consequences for him. Do not punish, yell or hit your dog. It is not necessary and could be counterproductive. You might be scared. The best technique to avoid strong bites is to remove their favorite toy: you.

After a while. After that minimum time, we will continue with the game (with suitable toys). This will help you learn to control your bite. He has to learn that his hands cannot be his object of entertainment, only that of being caressed. Use a knotted rope for puppies, a Kong or any type of toy (exclusively for dogs) special for biting. If we make sure that since childhood our hands or feet are not the object of desire, it will be like that for life.

Remember to leave toys that he likes when you are away from home. It may be that when you are not there, the object of their bites is any of your furniture or clothing … Remove all attractive objects from their sight.

If it continues to bite. If months go by and your animal has not understood your posture even if you are constant, it is time to visit the vet for this reason. You may have a problem with anxiety, a sore mouth, or another type of ailment. The specialist will confirm you. The canine educator can be a good ally to solve this annoying behavior so that it does not become a real and serious problem in adulthood.

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