LivingA baby tests positive for coronavirus 12 days after...

A baby tests positive for coronavirus 12 days after being born in Cáceres

A baby who was born on March 12 at the San Pedro de Alcántara Hospital in Cáceres and his mother are infected with coronavirus, according to sources from the Ministry of Health of the Junta de Extremadura. The little one, who tested positive 12 days after birth, is one of the smallest infected with COVID-19 in Spain (if not the most).

The delivery took place before the state of national alarm was decreed, and everything went well in the delivery and during the following days.

According to El Periódico de Extremadura, neither the mother nor her son had presented any symptoms of coronavirus, but given the pandemic situation that already existed, the Neonatal unit decided to monitor the mothers who had given birth to prevent possible contagions and act when before.

On March 20, eight days after giving birth, the mother tested positive for COVID-19 , so the telephone monitoring of the mother and her baby was extreme.

The baby had not shown symptoms until four days after the mother’s positive, on March 24, “the father communicates to the neonatologists that his son had begun to have snot.”

In other circumstances, this symptom would not have caused suspicion, but given that he could have been infected, they were recommended to go to the hospital to perform the test, which also came back positive .

The contagion would have been produced by the close contact between mother and child after delivery.

They recover at home

Although his symptoms were mild, the baby remained hospitalized for four days for observation to monitor his progress and was discharged “due to improvement.”

Currently, both the mother and the baby are recovering at home with home isolation measures . Both are stable and they continue to be followed up by telephone to prevent any complications.

Via | The Extremadura Newspaper

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