LivingTravelA Coffee Lover's Guide to Camping Coffee

A Coffee Lover's Guide to Camping Coffee

The best camping coffee is made in a camping French press or specialty camping coffee machine. The aroma of coffee in the morning smells almost as good as the sun shining in a pine forest or the fresh air of the ocean. All coffee lovers agree that making good coffee is important for a relaxing camping trip, so don’t suffer from instant or cowboy coffee.

Chances are, if you’re a coffee lover, you’ll go to great lengths to make the best cup, whether you’re camping, backpacking, or at home. But what is the best way to make coffee when camping? It depends on your coffee drinking style and preference.

The first step to making a delicious cuppa at camp is selecting good beans, of course. Grind up your favorite at home and pack the grind in an airtight container. And bring more than you expect because coffee always tastes better outdoors.

The following is a selection of your favorite camping French press coffee maker options.

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Java REI Campware Stainless Steel Press

If you love a good, rich cup of coffee, you will love REI’s Campware Stainless-Steel Java Press. It’s perfect for making outdoor coffee at camp or in the comfort of your RV. The double-walled construction really keeps your coffee hot and the 33 fluid ounce capacity is perfect for serving one to four people. This press is sold exclusively at REI.

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Coleman 10-Cup Portable Propane Coffee Maker

If it’s a regular cup of drip coffee that you love, then you might as well have it at camp. Coleman’s 10-Cup Portable Propane Coffee Maker brews a fresh cup of coffee just like home. You no longer need to settle for less coffee at camp. The coffeemaker holds up to ten cups of coffee and operates at a standard 16.4 oz. propane cylinder The standard coffee maker comes with a glass pot, but a stainless steel carafe option is available.

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Titanium Snow Peak French Coffee Press

The Titanium Snow Peak French Coffee Press holds up after a few years. At 6.3 ounces, this titanium press is the best choice for coffee-loving light campers.

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Glacier GSI Outdoors Stainless Steel Percolator

The Classic Camping Coffee Maker is a classic for a reason. Brewers make as good a cup of coffee as the beans allow. If you are looking for a hot and robust coffee, then a percolator is the best option. GSI Outdoors manufactures a variety of percolators at different prices. Try the ultra-tough Glacier Stainless Percolator. It is corrosion resistant and made from marine grade stainless steel and comes in 8, 14, 28 and 36 cup sizes.

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MSR Mugmate coffee filter

The MSR Mugmate coffee filter is definitely the most economical of the camp coffee makers mentioned here and possibly the simplest as well. It’s the lightest, smallest, and makes good coffee one cup at a time. The reusable, personal size coffee filter sits in your mug. Just pour in the grind and pour boiling water over the top. It weighs less than an ounce and can be stored in your mug.

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