EntertainmentMovies & TV'A Swedish conspiracy', the series that Filmin premieres on...

'A Swedish conspiracy', the series that Filmin premieres on May 4

The streaming platform Filmin premieres this original conspiracy comedy that tells the many theories that emerged about the mysterious murder of Olof Palme. The murder of the Prime Minister of Sweden took place on February 28, 1986 when he was walking home from the cinema with his wife Lisbet Beck Friis, along one of the main streets of central Stockholm, Sveavägen. The couple had no bodyguards and a man approached them and shot the prime minister at point-blank range, who died within minutes. The series directed by Patrik Eklund discusses several of the conjectures about this murder. In a Swedish conspiracy, various ambiguous characters and difficult-to-understand situations that took place after the murder are introduced. A Swedish Conspiracy A man named George English George English is an American immigrant in Sweden who has lost his job and has to face a stratospheric debt to the Swedish treasury. This man has failed as a filmmaker and is about to fail as a father of a family. The protagonist of this series is desperate, but soon discovers that there is a reward of 5 million euros (50 million crowns) for whoever solves the murder of the first Minister Olof Palme. English teams up with his best friend, a slightly wacky conspirator who is also a police officer and wants to help him get his payoff. Olof Palme’s murder case was closed and shelved 35 years later, in June 2020. Until then, the police team tasked with solving the crime had offered a hefty financial reward in exchange for key information about the murder.George English has only one chance which is to find Palme’s killer to stop his world from falling apart. Those around the protagonist realize that he has an overwhelming personality that contrasts with that of everyone around him. Viewers are seduced by this peculiar character from minute 1 of this crazy adventure carried out by George English and his best friend. One of the best series of the year A Swedish conspiracy (We Got This) stars actors like Schiaffino Musarra, Alexander Karim, Anki Larsson, Christian Svensson or Sandra Andreis, among others. This series was selected by Variety magazine as one of the 15 best series of the year and won the Best Series award at the last edition of Serializados Fest.

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