FunA teenager has to be operated on urgently for...

A teenager has to be operated on urgently for inserting a USB cable into the penis

A 15-year-old teenager has had to undergo emergency surgery after a USB cable was inserted through the penis in an attempt to measure its length . This has been published in the medical journal ‘Urology Case Reports’. A home experiment that didn’t go as expected. The cable stayed in the young man’s scrotum, and despite his attempts to remove it himself, the USB cable became entangled in such a way that both ends were dangling.

His family was alarmed when he began to urinate blood. They immediately took him to the hospital where the paramedics also tried to remove the cable, but the efforts were unsuccessful .

It was then that they decided to transfer him to University College Hospital in London . As reflected in the methodical report, the teenager asked to speak with the doctors without his mother being present since he was very ashamed of what he had done.

X-rays revealed that, as the paramedics expected, the cable was completely tangled . For this reason, it was necessary to intervene urgently. Surgeons made an incision between her anus and her genitals to remove it.

Luckily, everything was a scare and the young man recovers without complications. He was discharged the next day, although he will need periodic reviews for the future .

London andrologist Amr Raheem has spoken to the Daily Mail to warn of the danger of inserting objects such as a USB cable into the penis . As he explains, when something is introduced into the body that is not sterile, a multitude of complications can arise, such as serious infections. Infections can lead to tissue necrosis and even sepsis in people with low immunity, such as diabetics.

But what is it that can lead someone to do this type of case? Experts point out that in most cases it is due to sexual curiosity , although it is also something typical of people who suffer from mental disorders. In this case, the young man was a healthy teenager without any type of mental health disorder, so everything indicates that he simply wanted to explore his sexuality.

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